With the voice of Alex Trebek
Defined? 2Sides of WWII Who Knew? People and Terms The Cold War Mixed Up
Defined? 10 ANSWER Formed near the end of WWII to create a body for the nations of the world to prevent future global wars: A. League of Nations B. United Nations C. Warsaw Pact
Defined? 10 BOARD B. United Nations
Defined? 20 ANSWER When was the “baby boom”? A.After the Cold War B.Before World War II C.After World War II
BOARD Defined? 20 C. After World War II
Defined? 30 ANSWER This law gave veterans educational, housing, and business benefits after WWII? A. Civil Rights Act of 1964 B. GI Bill of Rights C. Voting Rights Act of 1965
Defined? 30 BOARD B. G.I. Bill of Rights
Defined? 40 ANSWER What legislation led to increased educational, economic and political opportunities for women and minorities? A.New Deal B.Equal Rights C. Civil Rights
Defined? 40 BOARD C. Civil Rights Legislation
Defined? 50 ANSWER The political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied is called: A. Fascism B. Communism C. Bad Leader Syndrome
Defined? 50 BOARD B. Fascism
People 10 ANSWER Which U.S. President desegregated the armed forces? A. Harry S. Truman B.Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Ronald Reagan
People 10 BOARD A. President Harry S.Truman
People 20 ANSWER What war ended in: Stalemate? Cease-Fire Agreement?
People 20 BOARD Korea: Vietnam: Stalemate Cease-Fire
People 30 ANSWER What race of people were placed into Internment Camps during WWII? Concentration Camps?
People 30 BOARD Internment Camps: Concentration Camps: Japanese Americans Jews
People 40 ANSWER Who played a role in expanding women’s rights after WWII? A.Susan B. Anthony B. Rosie the Riveter C. Eleanor Roosevelt
People 40 BOARD C. Eleanor Roosevelt
People 50 ANSWER What would be the best title for the chart? Role of U.S. Military Intervention Environmental Challenges Global Issues, including trade, job, diseases, energy A.America’s New Challenges B.America’s Old Challenges
People 50 BOARD A. America’s New Challenges
2Sides of WWII 10 ANSWER Who were the Allies of WWII? A.U.S., Great Britain, Germany, Italy B.U.S., Great Britain, Canada, France, Soviet Union C. U.S., Great Britain, Canada, Germany
2Sides of WWII 10 BOARD B. U.S., Great Britain, Canada, France, Soviet Union
2Sides of WWII 20 ANSWER Who were the Axis Powers of WWII? A.Germany, Italy, China B.Germany, Japan, Korea C.Germany, Italy, Japan
2Sides of WWII 20 BOARD C. Germany Italy Japan (G.I.Joe)
2Sides of WWII 30 ANSWER Who were the Allied Leaders? Name them for each country: Great Britain: United States: Soviet Union:
WWII 30 BOARD Great Britain-Winston Churchill U.S.-Franklin D. Roosevelt and later Harry S. Truman Soviet Union-Joseph Stalin
2Sides of WWII 40 ANSWER Name the Axis leaders of WWII: Germany- Italy- Japan-
2Sides of WWII 40 BOARD Germany-Adolf Hitler Italy-Benito Mussolini Japan-Hideiki Tojo
2Sides of WWII 50 ANSWER Fascist dictators included what three men of WWII? (these were also Axis Powers) Name 3 democratic nations of WWII? (these were also Allies)
2Sides of WWII 50 BOARD Fascist Dictators: Hitler(Germany) Mussolini(Italy) Tojo(Japan) Democratic Nations: U.S.A., Great Britain, Canada (or France)
Cold War 10 ANSWER The struggle for power between communist and non-communist countries without actual fighting is referred to as -- A. The Warsaw Pact B. The Arms Race C. The Cold War D. The General Assembly
Cold War 10 BOARD The Cold War
Cold War 20 ANSWER The breakup of the Soviet Union into independent countries and the des- truction of the Berlin Wall led to the-- A. Collapse of Communism in Europe. B. Collapse of the Wall of China. C. Collapse of Russia’s democratic government D. Collapse of ethnicity in Russia
Cold War 20 BOARD A. Collapse of Communism in Europe
Cold War 30 ANSWER During President Kennedy’s term, which event brought the U.S. and the Soviet Union close to a nuclear war? A. The Bay of Pigs Invasion B. The Cuban Missile Crisis C. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution D. The Tet Offensive
Cold War 30 BOARD B. The Cuban Missile Crisis
Cold War 40 ANSWER The term “Domino Theory” refers to: A. The spread of Communism in Southeast Asia if S. Vietnam lost the war B. The spread of Christianity to other third world countries C. The effect of a nuclear war on cities and farms across the nation. D. The result of an anti-discrimination policy.
Cold War 40 BOARD A. The spread of Communism in Southeast Asia if South Vietnam lost the war.
Cold War 50 ANSWER NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed to – A. Build an alliance against the North Atlantic countries B. Build an alliance against democracies. C. Build an alliance against Germany. D. Build an alliance against communism.
Cold War 50 BOARD D. Build an alliance against communism.
Who Knew? 10 ANSWER Differences in goals and ideologies between the U.S. and the Soviet Union is that the U.S. was___________ and ____________ and the Soviet Union was ____________ and _______________. A.Democratic and Capitalist Dictatorial and Communist B.Dictatorial and Communist Democratic and Capitalist
Who Knew? 10 BOARD A.The U.S. was: Democratic and Capitalist The Soviet Union was: Dictatorial and Communist
Who Knew? 20 ANSWER The Soviet Union dominated over: A.Eastern European countries B.Western European countries
Who Knew? 20 BOARD A. Eastern European Countries
Who Knew? 30 ANSWER America’s policy of containment was to stop the spread of: A.Democracy B.Communism
Who Knew? 30 BOARD B. Communism Communism
Who Knew? 40 ANSWER After WWII, Americans purchased goods on: A.Sale B.Credit
Who Knew? 40 BOARD B. Credit
Who Knew? 50 ANSWER After WWII, how was Germany partitioned and under what occupations? A.North and South Germany; Soviet in the North and Democratic Nations in the South B.East and West Germany; Soviet in the East and Democratic Nations in the West
Who Knew? 50 BOARD B.East and West Germany Soviet Union in the East and Democratic Nations in the West
Mixed Up 10 ANSWER With rationing of consumer goods over after WWII, how did businesses convert? From the production of________ materials to _________ goods.
Mixed Up 10 BOARD From: War materials to Consumer goods To TO
Mixed Up 20 ANSWER After WWII, labor unions merged and became more powerful and workers gained: A.No benefits and lower salaries B.New benefits and higher salaries
Mixed Up 20 BOARD B. New benefits and higher salaries
Mixed Up 30 ANSWER After WWII, economic prosperity continued and technology boomed. What did the next generation of women do? A.Stayed at home and baked cookies B.Re-entered the labor force in large numbers
Mixed Up 30 BOARD B. Re-entered the labor force in large numbers
Mixed Up 40 ANSWER What provided massive financial aid to rebuild European economies and prevent the spread of communism? A.The Stock Market B.The Marshall Plan
Mixed Up 40 BOARD B. The Marshall Plan
Mixed Up 50 ANSWER Following its defeat, how was Japan occupied, what kind of government did it adopt and whose ally did it become?
Mixed Up 50 BOARD Following its defeat, Japan was occupied by: American Forces Japan became: Democratic, resumed self government and Became a strong ally of the U.S.
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