Social Development
DEFINITION ◦Learning to relate to others
Social Development Socialization How to get along well in society Friendship, family, co-workers, peers
Social Development Process of socialization begins at birth and continues throughout life Social skills such as taking turns and listening are essential for academic success
Social Development Social Learning ◦Contact with people ◦Imitation ◦Understanding of social expectations
Social Development Relating to Family Members ◦Parent-Child Relationships ◦Sibling Relationships ◦Extended Family Relationships
Social Development Relating to Peers ◦Friendship ◦Concerns: Teasing Bullying Peer Pressure Rejection Groups and Cliques
Social Development Relating to Adults Outside the Family ◦Teachers ◦Counselors ◦Babysitters ◦Mentors ◦Coaches ◦Friends of family
Social Development Teaching Social Skills ◦Taking Turns and Sharing ◦Using Good Manners ◦Cooperation ◦Handling Competition ◦Resolving Conflicts ◦Overcoming Shyness ◦Becoming Assertive
Teaching Manners Create a MANNERS poster that could possibly hang in a preschool classroom ◦Teach children about manners
Social Development Appreciating Diversity ◦Stereotypes ◦Cultural Bias ◦Combating Prejudice
Social Development What factors could affect Social Development?
Social Development Feral Children Something to think about… pTTU6c&feature=related pTTU6c&feature=related
Social Development DEVELOPMENAL MILESTONES Infants Cries, smiles, kicks, coos, laughs to attract social attention Responds to person-to-person contact with adults and children Pays attention to his/her own name
Social Development DEVELOPMENAL MILESTONES 1 Year Old Responds to simple commands by adult Engages in social laughter Beginning to become independent Cooperates by helping to put things away
Social Development DEVELOPMENAL MILESTONES 2 Years Old Participates in simple group activity - singing, dancing Mother continues to be very important to child Knows gender identity
Social Development DEVELOPMENAL MILESTONES 3 Years Old Friends becoming more interesting than adults Shares toys, takes turns with assistance Uses "I, me, you" Associative group play begins
Social Development DEVELOPMENAL MILESTONES 4 Years Old Plays and interacts with other children Improving in turn-taking and cooperating Understands social problem solving Developing self-responsibility; enjoys doing things for self
Social Development DEVELOPMENAL MILESTONES 5 Years Old Wants to do what is expected Respects reasonable authority Engages with other children in cooperative play; fair play Chooses own friends; friendships change rapidly Engages with other children in role assignments
Quote of the Day “The only way to have a friend is to be one” Ralph Waldo Emerson