Role of IT in management Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy
Agenda Who am I? Historical snippets Typical IT infrastructure Typical manager Q&A
Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Academia, Industry & Personal Dad was a school teacher B.E. (ECE) in CEG Guindy, Anna University – UNIX System Software Engineer, HCL Limited, Chennai, MS Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD),
Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Academia, Industry & Personal … Telecom Software Engineer, Northern Telecom, Dallas, Ph.D. Computer Science (part-time), University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Technical Lead, Samsung Telecom, Got married in 1998 Adjunct Faculty, UTD CS department, Online Adjunct Faculty in several online universities from 2000
Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Academia, Industry & Personal … Adjunct Faculty, Southern Methodist University, 2010 Sr. Lecturer (full-time), UTD Computer Science, 2010-present 2 daughters: Nila (8) and Chinmayee (4) Passionate about teaching – happy to share ideas to improve teaching quality in colleges Challenging teaching environment in US
Dr. V. Jeyakesavan: Summary 18 years experience as Software Engineer 12 years of teaching experience (mostly online)
Historical snippets Manager used to print all s Most companies: 99% paperless offices now. Software: Standalone applications Enterprise bundles Custom install intranet based Build your own Buy Networked environment Desktops Laptops Smartphones
Typical IT infrastructure Security Gateway server VPN server Intranet S1S2S3 DB Laptop Smart-phone Internet
Remote Access Direct access to push to smart-phones Highly secure using VPN technology Different settings for work hours vs. personal hours
Typical IT manager Process management: approvals Monitoring: trend reports Convenience: – does not want to login to several apps : Single sign-on – Dash board: one page to see status summary Security Delegation of authority
Advertisement: University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Computer Science: ~500 MS students and ~150 PhD students Surrounded by 100s of companies in Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex Students can get internships right after 2 semesters and continue studies in parallel We have well-known management dept too. Flyers available – see me after the lecture
Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex
Thanks for listening! Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy