ScienTI Network: aims and perspective Lisbon, November 10th 2005 BIREME/PAHO/WHO Executive Secretariat of ScienTI
About ScienTI Network ScienTI – International Network of Information and Knowledge Sources for Science, Technology and Information Management ScienTI is a public network of information and knowledge sources that aims to contribute to the management of scientific, technological and innovation activities. The network provides a public and cooperative space for stakeholders of national science, technology and innovation (ST & I) systems and communities of the member-countries to interact.
Sources of information and knowlegde network The information sources include résumés (CVs), research groups, institutions and projects. All sources are standardized using international references in order to assure interoperability in the Internet.
ScienTI Network Structure The network is the expression of international cooperation among GDIs Groups of Research and Development in Information and Knowledge Systems IPs Sponsoring Institutions ONCYTs National Science and Technology Organizations OICYTs International Science and Technology Cooperation Organizations
ScienTI Network - History 2000 VHL Science and Health Meeting Meeting PAHO/BIREME, CNPq and ONCyTs from Latin America and the Caribbean coutries Agreement: links between SciELO- CvLattes Perspectives: to create a health information sources network in Latin America and the Caribbean 2001 CVLACS System V CRICS: Presentation of beta version to ONCyTs Piloto: Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela Portugal : integrated to the project DeGois Pilot 1998/1999 Genesis VHL SH: PAHO/BIREME. Information and knowledge sources in health Lattes Platform: CNPq/MCT: Integrated management of Science, Technology and Innovation
ScienTI Network - History 2002 ScienTI Network CvLAC System in Colombia GrupLAC System in Colombia Bilateral agreements 7 countries with CNPq. Formalization: I Florianópolis Meeting, December 2002 Organization: Proposal in Agreement and Inter- institutional Committee Institutionalization II ScienTI Meeting. Puebla (VI CRICS) Executive Secretariat – BIREME Indicators. Studies of the network use in the production of indicators Consolidation 2004 Launching in other Countries: Peru Venezuela Technology and Methodology. Adoption of web services to descentralized model III ScienTI Meeting – Buenos Aires Extension
ScienTI Network - History 2005 Formalization Workshop about ScienTI Web Services: 6 countries participated Debate for the signature in the Agreement of Cooperation 12 countries participated. Technology and Methodology. Practice communities available in the ScienTI Regional Portal (documents, chats y foros) Network structure GDI network defined IV ScienTI Meeting – Salvador, Brasil
Support to ST&I Management The network is designed to have an updated identification of skilled human resources, institutions and research projects for development and assessment of national policies and capacities in ST&I, as well as to promote international cooperation programs.
Data, information and knowledge management model System: Groups GrupLAC CvDeGois CvLattes CvLAC DM CvDM GrDM InstDM Proj DW Investiments Demography Search CVsGroupsInstitutionsProjects Information Sources - Directories SCienTI Portals
Standards and interoperability construction: network participation Related Projects –ePing initiative in Brazil –Web Services ANP –Web Services MMA –Web Services ANVISA –Web Services PAHO
Interoperability of ScienTI Systems Principles: –Institutional agreements –Standardization –Web Services –Open Source Software Data from IV ScienTI Network Meeting Salvador, 2005
Facts in ScienTI Network The information sources (CVs, research groups, institutions and projects) are described, represented, and standardized using the XML language. The information exchange among the member countries on the Network is carried out by the Web services that establish a standard protocol of communication among the systems and information sources on the network and other networks and projects of national information or international, such as VHL, SciELO, SHARED, RICYT, Portal Inovação (MCT/Brazil) and etc. In conclusion, the topology of the Network promotes and facilitates the project development of specific information and knowledge, that share the same network of sources of information
ScienTI - Service Oriented Architecture WSDL Service provider Service broker Service requestor SOAP UDDI SOAP WSDL SOAP Oracle SOAP/XML Search Service Java, AXIS WSDL, XML e XML Schema Search Service Java, AXIS XSLT e HTML WSDL, XML (UDDI) e XML Schema CNPq Model with DW
Web Services ScienTI Available by Instituto Stela for network members –source code –basic specification of the database used in the search service –documentation about definition of the services –guideline to install the service and integrator –documentation about project design –indexing scripts
XML Schemas and WSDLWSDL
ScienTI Regional Portal
ScienTI Practice Communities
Meta-search: invoking ScienTI web service network
Interoperability with other networks: VHL and SciELO
Perspectives after IV ScienTI Meeting in Salvador, September 2005 Approve the final version of the constitutive agreement of the Network so that is signed by the countries and international agencies Elaborate a strategic plan for 2 years to development actions of ScienTI network Work groups for revision and updating of domain tables, technological platform, exchange mechanisms and coordination among the ScienTI network members Integration of web services from ScienTI network members in ScienTI Regional Portal Development and promotion, by BIREME/PAHO/WHO, of developers network in information technologies to support the VHL, SciELO and ScienTI networks (recommended in IT Work Group, IV Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL, Salvador, 2005)
ScienTI Network Thank you very much! Renato Murasaki Project Management Office Coordinator BIREME/PAHO/WHO