Bacteria Lab Problem: Where is the biggest variation of bacteria found within the school? Background: Bacteria are found _________ They grow on nutrient agar, incubated at 37 degrees celsius. Hypothesis:
Hypothesis: If we test for bacteria around the school, then we will find the greatest variety in ______________ because _____________________
Procedure: (Don’t write) 1.Divide agar plate into 4 quadrants, labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. Do this on the agar side of the plate (not the lid). 2.Put your name on the agar plate name
3.Your agar plate is your pass to go into the school to take samples. Do not disrupt any classes or be rude to anyone in the school. 4.Gently swab an area that you want to test, and then gently swab the Q-tip on one quadrant of the agar plate. Don’t press hard. Leave # 4 unswabbed, it will be your control. Use a new Q-tip for each area that you swab. Don’t leave your agar plate exposed to the air, as bacteria are floating around in the air, as well. Record your data in the data section of your lab.
5.Return to class with your agar plate. Seal the edges with masking tape…there should be no gaps…why? 6.Check to make sure you have your name on the agar plate, and that you have each area recorded in your data section. Put agar plate back in the tray, so I can put it in the incubator. 7.Make sure your used Q-tips end up in the garbage can. If I am sending you off into the school on your own, the assumption is that you will behave appropriately!!
Data: 1.(location) 2.(location) 3.(location) 4.(control) (control) Draw what you see……
Data: (continued) Quadrant location 1234 Number of different looking colonies Total # of colonies
Conclusion: (To be done after your data is collected.)