Federal Programs Fall Conference Title I and the ACIP Logan Searcy and Beth Joseph
Objectives: Review purpose of Title I Navigate in ACIP the requirements of Title I schools Provide examples of Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
Title I, Part A Provides Supplemental Federal funds to ensure all students have fair, equal, and significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and reach at minimum proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. Focused on improving the academic achievement of low-achieving students in schools with high concentrations of children from low-income families and is governed by statuary and regulatory requirements of Title I, Part A of ESEA.
Two Types of Title I Programs Targeted Assistance Supplemental education services to eligible students with the greatest need. A school with poverty percentage of 35% or more Schoolwide Comprehensive program designed to upgrade the entire educational program in order to improve achievement of the lowest-achieving students. A school with poverty percentage of 40% or more 4
Alabama Continuous Improvement Plan (A-CIP ) Title I Schools ACIP Contains.. Non-Title I Schools ACIP Contains.. Executive Summary Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Diagnostic Student Performance Stakeholder Feedback Assurances Goals Comprehensive Budget Executive Summary Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Diagnostic Student Performance Stakeholder Feedback Title I Diagnostics Parent Involvement Diagnostic Assurances Goals Comprehensive Budget
Title I Requirements All Title I schools must complete the following diagnostics in addition to the other required components of the ACIP: Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement Diagnostic (school’s Parent Involvement Plan) Either the Title I Schoolwide or Title I Targeted Assistance Diagnostic Coordination of Resources-Comprehensive Budget Diagnostic
Edits to ACIP Minor edit to Component 10: Evaluation, found in Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Diagnostics (2 questions added) Are there any goals you are keeping from the previous year? If so, describe the progress in meeting these goals. What goals did you change from your previous year’s CIP? Why did you delete or change these goals? Major edits to the Coordination of Resources-Comprehensive Budget Diagnostic
Title I Parent Survey Use annually for feedback for Parent Involvement Evaluation Now located in ASSIST under Surveys – entitled Title I Parent Survey Also, located in eGAP document library May administer by paper or online If you are going through accreditation, you must administer the ASSIST parent survey and the Title I Parent Survey
We will engage learners through high quality aligned college and career ready standards, instruction, and assessments in all content areas. 98% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency that shows that they have mastered the standards in Mathematics by May 25, 2016 as measured by ACT Aspire. 98% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency that shows they have mastered the standards in reading by May 25, 2016, as measured by ACT Aspire. Implement College and Career Ready Standards (Math) Implement Research- Based Practices for Continuous Improvement GoalObjectivesStrategies ActivityActivity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Fundin g Staff Responsibilities Higher Order Questioning Direct Instruction 8/15/20155/25/2016$0N/A Teachers Identify at-risk students and schedule time to target their intervention needs Academic Support 8/1/20155/30/2016$0N/A Teachers and Counselors Professional Development for Effective Interactive Word Walls Professional Learning 8/1/20155/30/2016$200Title IPrincipals and Teachers
Learners Turnaround Principle-Effective Instruction Academic Goal: Our teachers will engage the learners through high quality aligned college and career ready standards, instruction, and assessments for all content areas. Objectives Turnaround Principle-Effective Instruction 98% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency that shows that they have mastered the standards through the use of research- based instruction in Mathematics by May 25, 2016 as measured by ACT Aspire. 98% of students with disabilities will demonstrate a proficiency that shows they have mastered the standards through the use of research-based instruction in Mathematics by May, 2016 as measured by ACT Aspire. 98% of students who are homeless, English learners or immigrants will demonstrate a proficiency that shows they have mastered the standards through the use of research-based instruction in Mathematics by May, 2016 as measured by ACT Aspire..
Support Systems Turnaround Principle- School Climate and Culture Goal and Objectives Organizational Goal-We will identify barriers to teaching and learning and align support systems to address barriers. Objectives: Demonstrate a behavior that ensures that the school is implementing the guidance and counseling plan by 11/08/2016 as measured by the number of student discipline referrals. Demonstrate a behavior that ensures that the school has a climate conducive to learning with a culture of high expectations by 9/12/2016 as measured by the increase in student achievement. Turnaround Principle- Effective Family and Community Engagement Demonstrate a behavior that ensures that the school has a system in place to increase community engagement as measured by stakeholder survey results.
Strategies Implement Pre-K-Career Readiness Plan Implement College and Career Ready Standards Align Fiscal Resources Implement Guidance and Counseling Plan Implement Student and School Culture Program Implement Community Based Support and Intervention System Develop / Implement Teacher Effectiveness Plan Develop/Implement Leader Effectiveness Plan Develop /Implement Professional Learning and Support Implement Research Based Best Practices for Continuous Improvement Implement Learning Supports Implement Turnaround Principles Other
Schoolwide ACIP Committee participation in process – (Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement) Comprehensive needs assessment – (Survey results, Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic, Data Performance results) Schoolwide reform strategies identified – (Goal Builder, Schoolwide Diagnostic) Methods and instructional strategies that are scientifically research-based (SBR) - (Goal Builder, Schoolwide Diagnostic) Instruction by highly qualified teachers - (Goal Builder, Schoolwide Diagnostic)
CIP committee must include: Parents Other appropriate Community Members Teachers Principals Administrators Other appropriate school staff Students (secondary school) Sec (B) (ii) Committee Members
High-quality and ongoing professional development and training - (Goal Builder, Schoolwide Diagnostic) Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high needs schools - (Goal Builder, Schoolwide Diagnostic) Mentoring assistance by veteran effective teachers - (Goal Builder, Schoolwide Diagnostic) Provides strategies to increase parental involvement – (Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement Diagnostic) Evaluates student achievement and summarizes at the end of the year – (Schoolwide Diagnostic) Description of the use of financial resources – (Coordination of Resources-Comprehensive Budget) Schoolwide ACIP cont.
Asking the Right Questions Will the proposed use of funds: Drive results for students who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet State academic achievement standards? Increase educators’ long-term capacity to improve results for Title I students? Accelerate reform and advance SEA, LEA, or participating Title I school improvement objectives and reform goals? Foster continuous improvement and include approaches to measure and track implementation and results and create feedback loops to modify or discontinue strategies that evidence indicates are ineffective in improving achievement of Title I students? 29
Points to Remember: Identified as a needs on the LEA Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CIP Needs Assessment) Based on a decision of the LEA Advisory Committee (School Level Advisory Committee) Must be SRB and Supplemental Included in the LEA Title I Plan and eGAP System Plan (CIP Plan) Evaluation
Sample Rubric in eGAP Document Library
Contact Information For Technical Assistance with ASSIST, contact Logan Searcy or For Technical Assistance with Federal Program questions, please call your regional specialist at
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