Pipeline Questions for VR
Questions in the Pipeline Think/ Pair /Share Y N Do you know what services are being provided to infants and toddler with challenges? Y N Do you know whether young children with disabilities are served in integrated settings? Y N Do you know how the elementary schools in your area are doing academically? Y N Do you know how the elementary schools in your area are doing behaviorally? Y N Do you know how many children are being referred for special education in the elementary years ? Y N Do you know how the middle schools in your district are doing academically (test data and class performance)? Y N Do you know what academic interventions are available? Y N Do you know the suspension data for your middle schools? Y N Do you know what career education takes place in middle school? Y N Do you know the attendance rates for your middle schools? Y N Do you know if there a comprehensive transition process from middle to high school? Y N Can you describe your school’s approach to support in the ninth grade? Y N Do you have a picture of how many students with disabilities are on track for accumulating graduation credit? Y N Do you have a picture of the career education and career assessment takes place in the HS years? Y N Do you have a picture of the transition experienced provided to students with IDD? Y N Do you know what wok experience and job coaching services are available to students with disabilities? Y N Do special education and VR counselors talk together about common goals and common responsibilities? Y N Do you know the drop out rate for students with disabilities in your high school? Y N Do you know how graduates of special education programs are doing in post-secondary? Y N Do you know how graduates of special education programs are doing in employment? How many ‘Yes’ responses did you have? Less than 10 2
Your Best Advice…. Given the new relationship between ED and VR in WIOA….what ‘background information’ should VR counselors be seeking as they work with districts? What questions should ED and VR explore together about practices ‘the pipeline’ and how they impact transition?