Attacked up to the winter of 1941 “General Winter” Term used to describe the Russian winter Germans were not prepared for a winter battle Weapons would jam Lacked winter clothing Tanks and trucks were not fitted with proper tires Moscow never falls into German hands
Targeted for a number of reasons Carries the name of the Dictator of the Soviet Union Important shipping city on the Volga River On the Germans path to oilfields in the Baku Region Battle fought in streets, house by house Soviets mounted a counter-attack Forced German troops to surrender January 31, 1943 Major turning point in the war
Section 24.3
Explain why Operation Fortitude helped aid in the invasion of Normandy Identify the strategic importance of an invasion in Europe Understand the problems facing Americans on their way to Germany
Tehran, Iran November 1943 First ever meeting between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt Allied troops would launch a full-scale invasion of France – Would come to be called D-Day
Plan to make Germans believe that the invasion of Europe was NOT at Normandy
24,000 Paratroopers dropped in France June 5 th, 1944
Largest amphibious invasion of all time 160,000 troops Landed on 5 sectors or beaches Utah- American Omaha - American Gold - British Juno - Canadian Sword - British
Bomb planted under the table Hitler was sitting at Proved unsuccessful Nazi’s had 4,980 people executed who conspired in the assassination attempt
Battle of the Bulge Last offensive attack by German Military December 1944-January 1945 Largest, Longest, and Bloodiest battle of World War II for Americans 19,000 American Deaths 70,000 American Wounded
February 4-11, 1945 Meeting between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt Set up United Nations Discuss the re-establishment of Europe
April 12, 1945 Harry S. Truman takes the office of President of the United States
April 30, 1945 He and his wife committed suicide Gunshot and Cyanide capsule
Battle of Berlin Between Soviets and Germans 81,000 Soviets killed : 100,000 – 400,000 Germans killed May 7, 1945 – Germany Surrenders
Explain why Operation Fortitude helped aid in the invasion of Normandy Identify the strategic importance of an invasion in Europe Understand the problems facing Americans on their way to Germany