Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 1 Dr. Steve Hawkins Technology Manager The GeneTAC TM G 3
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 2 Micro-arraying Library management Change the tool to change the function Gridding / replicating Picking Takes less than 10 minutes
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 3 A common user interface A standard method definition style Simplicity
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 4 GeneTAC G3 Library Management System A multifunctional tool combining effective genomic library generation and management with array production GeneTAC micro-arrayer G3 –up to 4800spots (10 x 10 x 48) (equivalent to oligo spots) –Spot size ~300 µm –32 or 48 solid pins –Positional accuracy 100 µm –Positional precision 10 µm –384 well plates –multi-functional capabilities
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 5 The G3 uses a dip and print technique for solid pins GeneTAC G3
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 6 Fast cycle time Optimised motion for reproducible transfer of liquids
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 7 32 or 48 pin tool using solid Titanium pins Printing BioChips
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 8 Slide holder Marker plate holdercleaning Marker genes are separate from the library
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 9 Genes spotted: 1920 Probes: (1) Cy3 labeled cDNA probe prepared from Human Adult total RNA (2) Cy5 labeled cDNA probe generated from Human Fetal total RNA Marker:Q gene from Lambda Example
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 10 Effective Probe DNA Delivery
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 11 Tracability
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 12 GeneMAP™ Mouse Clone Array GeneMAP™ Array Chips
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 13 rapid and accurate Colony picking
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 14 Can use 96 well, 384 well or agar plates Colony Picking
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 15 Programmable number of ‘dips’ Clones arranged in known order and position Colony Picking
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 16 Compatible plate formats Input –15cm Petri –10cm Petri –22cm Bio-Assay –10cm Bio-Assay –GS Culture dish Output –96 well plate –96 deep well –384 well plate –GS Culture dish
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 17 Plate selection
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 18 Plate selection Using GS Culture plates Using Bioassay input plates Using Round Petri dishes
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 19 Brushing to remove agar Sonication to sterilise Sterilization
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 20 Ethanol for final sterilisation Heat lamp to dry Sterilization
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 21 define the time for each step using arrows Sterilization Protocol
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 22 Imaging On-board CCD Camera –Optimised imaging –440,000 pixels on the chip –each pixel represents about 0.01 mm 2 –8 bit grey scale resolution –excellent blue / white discrimination
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 23 The IP Settings window Example of the Grabbed Image Image processing - IP Edge detect Size and shape Circularity Colour
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 24 Workflow Picking performance –Typical capacity up to 20,000 clones per 8 hour day up to 15,000 clones per 8 hour day with double inoculation –colonies between 0.5 and 4.0mm –accuracy better than 99% –select on basis of colour, size and shape
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 25 Gridding onto Hybond-N+ nitrocellulose filter
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 26 Keeping track custom patterns allow easy cross referencing of the hybridisation results to the corresponding 384-well plate without the use of ink gridding
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 27 Replication Direct copy of either 96 or 384 well plates using the gridding tool Expand 1 x 384 well to 4 x 96 Contract 4 x 96 to 1 x384 Eliminate the effects of freeze-thaw cycles Fast and accurate copying of libraries
Packard BioChip Technologies PerkinElmer Life Sciences 28 Library management Selectively re-array individual elements from a library Addresses individual wells in any library plate Rapid set-up via standard spreadsheet Full report generated Optional autoloader for total plate management Replication