Design Review: October 16, 2009
Goal: Develop a web service for BRACAPro Model Project Delivery: November 25 th, 2009 Development Team Delivery Manager: Maki Duncan Architect/R expert: J Ireland Tech Lead: Deb Dasgupta Developer: Hannes Niedner 2
3 Corresponds to the deployment site technology stack TCP/IP Rserve server isolates R execution layer from Java environment Separation of R-wrapper code, jws and IO layer allows compensation for changes on all ends Uses open source libraries to wrap R Uses HL7-compliant abstraction layer that (un) marshalls the web service request and response (e.g. input and output XSD are HL7 compliant) Uses javax-jws standard libraries for SOAP translation javax-ws will also be used for the next version of caGrid [from Shannon Hastings]
Performance HIGH: System shall respond within 3 sec to each request under a sustained load of 1 request every 5 sec. Availability HIGH: The web service shall be available whenever the web server container and R server are available. HIGH: Large FFH files or potential denial of service attacks will be detected and not reduce access to legitimate users. 4
Usability HIGH: Any client that speaks WSDL can obtain all static semantics via inspection of our WSDL LOW: Maintainers of the system will have access to information about past system history, such as average response time over defined periods, errors, total requests. LOW: Installers will be able to install and configure the application to the production environment in less than 1 hour assuming Java, Jboss and R environment are configured Security HIGH: Changing the application server from HTTP to HTTPS requires no change to the code under development. HIGH: Input and output data is not PHI or other regulated information HIGH: Log files and any other ‘breadcrumbs’ will not contain PHI 5
Testability HIGH: Production testing will occur during transition period prior to go-live date. MEDIUM: Target code coverage for unit tests are 90 % line and 90 % branch MEDIUM: The R subsystem, web tier, and R wrapper tier shall be independently testable 6
Modifiability HIGH: If the model changes but input & output parameters do not, the exposed WSDL will not change and the number of hours needed to test, fix, and deploy this change is more than a day. The web service should not have to change. FUTURE WORK: Silver Compatible Grid Service is on the road map but out of scope for the current project. FUTURE WORK: Input / Output changes at the web service layer may be expected with model updates but out of scope for the current project. FUTURE WORK: Addition of an alternate algorithm using data already available from the exposed WSDL will reuse much of the current architecture. 7