You’re Doing it Wrong: Scientists is Smart! (science rules!)
Before the Revolution: Ptolemy and the Bible were the only sources of cosmology.
But stuff was up… Exploration The Renaissance The Reformation Which led to some questions.
Nicolas Copernicus: Crazy ol’Goat < On the Revolution Of Heavenly Spheres Revolutionary new theory: Heliocentrism!
But then again… No one cares about Poland. Everybody was busy with the religious wars. And he published it at his death.
Tyco Brahe: Data Collection Machine “Don’t mind me, imma just take some observations and such. Also, maybe the sun is at the center, and stuff.”
Johannes Kepler: No longer the assistant! Proved that Copernicus was right with math, and that the orbits were elliptical. “Thanks, Tyco! You’re my bro!”
Galileo Galilei: Awesomeness with a Beard Discovered the Law of Pendulum while watching a swinging chandelier.
He was a scientific Hoss < Adapted an existing telescope to see objects REALLY far away. Threw stuff of the Tower of Pisa to figure out that gravity affects all things equally.
1610: Published “The Starry Messenger.” Discovered dark spots on the moon and the sun, and 4 of Jupiter’s moons. Church says “Srsly? Cut it out. Kthxbai.” 1632:Published the “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems” which very subtly showed how awesome heliocentrism is. 1633: Church says “ORLY?” Brought before the Pope in chains by the Inquisition. Heresy!! Would you deny something that you knew was true?
“But it does move.” But since he recanted, they couldn’t execute him. Instead, he was put under house arrest. For the rest of his life. Sad props until 1992.
Science becomes revolutionary! Francis Bacon - Inductive Rene Descartes - Deductive “Cogito Ergo Sum”
Enter the Apple: Isaac Newton! Light & Color Laws Universal Gravitation
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy The universe is like a giant Machine… …explainable by math… …making god a designer, and maybe not that active. Enter DEISM!
No, seriously, there were a lot of scientists. Janssen invented the microscope. But then Leeuwenhoek perfected it. And discovered bacteria, protozoa, and red blood cells.
Yep, more science. Torricelli, student of Galileo, invented the barometer. Anders Celsius and Gabriel Fahrenheit invented temperature. Just kidding, they invented methods of measuring it. And America went with the weird one.
Also of Note! William Harvey, discovered circulation through vivisection of Rabbits, dogs and stuff. Vesalius dissected people. For “science”. Boyle discovered laws of pressure and gasses… exciting stuff.
Science also goes in people: Jenner injected small children with smallpox. But it’s okay, since the smallpox was dead and it gave the kiddos an inoculation! Antoine Lavoisier discovers oxygen. Doesn’t do him much good, though when he is later guillotined during the French Revolution! Oxygen 8 O O
Science + Religion = Confusing! Meanwhile, Blaise Pascal wrote his Pensees, which combined science andreligion. First attempts at finding common ground between very different views