We educate with dignity and excellence!
Located in Bulgaria 50 km from Varna 30 min from the Varna Airport In the town of Dobrich 35 km from the coastline Location
Foundation One of the leading recruiting companies in the world for the Hospitality Industry Offices in Maastricht (NL), Atlanta (USA) and Dobrich (BG) Global network of contacts and organizations More than 13 years experience Partners with International 4 & 5 stars hotels and restaurants with Diamond & Michelin ratings
Memberships Member of Bulgarian Hotel & Restaurant Association Member of Euro-Toques Bulgaria
Partners International University College Hotelschool Ter Duinen Electrolux Paderno Nestle Professional
Curriculum First Semester (20 weeks) HRC Culinary Academy Second Semester (25 weeks) First Internship in Europe Third Semester (20 weeks) HRC Culinary Academy Fourth Semester (25 weeks) Second Internship in USA GRADUATION The first school of its kind in Eastern Europe offering a comprehensive 2 year hands on program in the Culinary Arts Combination of extensive hands-on training at the academy with paid international industry placements at fine restaurants and well known hotels and resorts Boasts a 24:1 student teacher ratio The course is taught in English thus opening the opportunities of the graduate world wide
Industry Placements Camille Oostwegel Château Hotels & Restaurants Villa Ruimzicht Art Hotel and Restaurants KASTEEL ERENSTEIN HOTEL BRUGHOF WINSELERHOF CHATEAU NEERCANNE CHATEAU ST. GERLACH Radisson Hotel Amsterdam
“Happy and successful cooking doesn't rely only on know-how; it comes from the heart, makes great demands on the palate and needs enthusiasm and a deep love of food to bring it to life.”
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