1 اندازه گيری حلاليت 2 - اتيل هگزانول، 2 - اتيل هگزانوئيک اسيد و 2 - اتيل هگزيل اتيل هگزانوآت و بررسی واکنشهای استری و اتری شدن و آب زدايي در دی اکسيدکربن فوق بحرانی 2 - اتيل هگزيل اتيل هگزانوآت و بررسی واکنشهای استری و اتری شدن و آب زدايي در دی اکسيدکربن فوق بحرانیو بررسی سينتيک واکنش انيدريد استيک با ايزوآميل الکل در حلال آلی
2 فهرست مطالب : مقدمه : 1 ) تعريف فوق بحرانی 2 ) کاربردهای سيال فوق بحرانی بخش اول : 1) 1) انداره گيری حلاليت 2 - اتيل هگزانول و 2 - اتيل هگزانوئيک اسيد در سامانه های دو و سه تايی 2) 2) مطالعه تاثير پيوند هيدروژنی بر حلاليت 3) 3) بررسی حلاليت 2 - اتيل هگزيل اتيل هگزانوآت درسامانه های دو و چهارتايي بخش دوم : واكنشهاي استری و اتری شدن و آب زدايی در دي اكسيدكربن فوق بحراني بخش سوم : مطالعه سينتيکی واكنش استری شدن انيدريد استيک با ايزوآميل الکل در حضور آنزيم
3 P-T phase diagram for CO 2
5 A typical SCF system
6 Deware sample collection
7 Pressure Temperature Vapor pressure Intermolecular interaction Molecular structure Matrix effect Solvent Effect of different parameters on solubility
8 Esterification Etherification Dehydration Reactions in SC-CO 2
9 Why esterification is important? Esterification Pharmaceutical Food additives Cosmetics High-pressure lubricants Advantages of SC-CO 2 as solvent for esterification Reaction rate enhancement Selective esterification
10 P (bar)T ( o C)CatalystReaction Lipase1-(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2- trifluoroethanol with Vinyl acetate 15040LipaseOleic acid with Oleyl alcohol LipaseOleic acid with Citronellol 16540PTSAOleic acid with Methanol No catalystPhthalic anhydride with Methanol LipaseMyristic acid with Ethanol 10040LipaseButyric acid with Isoamyl alcohol 12236LipaseFatty acid and Butanol LipaseAnhydride acetic with Isoamyl alcohol 34040No catalystDecanoic acid with Methanol Esterification reaction in SC-CO 2
11 Section (I): Solubility Measurement in SC-CO 2
12 Continuous flow apparatus for solubility measurement
13 Solubility of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and 2-ethylhexanoic acid in SC-CO 2
S Pressure (bar) Ref. [28]This work Literature values for the solubility of 1-hexanol in SC-CO 2 at 311 K: Gregorowicz et.al. [28] and this work
15 The solubility of alcohol and acid versus expanded gas flow rate at 99 bar and 313 K
16 Solubility of alcohol and acid in SC-CO 2
17 Chrastil model evaluation for alcohol: (▲) 313 K; (■) 323 K
18 Chrastil model evaluation for acid: (▲) 313 K; (■) 323 K
19 R2R2 bakCompound Alcohol Acid Chrastil Parameters for alcohol and acid in SC-CO 2
20 Role of Hydrogen Bonding on Solubility Diminution of Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols in SC-CO 2
21 Binary and ternary solubility of alcohol at 313 K
22 Binary and ternary solubility of acid at 313 K
23 Solubility of alcohol and acid in SC-CO 2 (ternary system)
24 Selectivity of alcohol relative to acid in SC-CO 2
25 Selectivity of alcohol relative to acid in SC-CO 2
26 FT-IR spectrum of alcohol, acid and their mixture
28 IR spectra of ethanol: 1) in hexane; 2) at 298 K IR spectra of ethanol: 1) in hexane; 2) at 298 K
29 TFA spectra at 25 o C and 82.7 bar in CO 2
30 Solubility of 2-ethyl-hexyl-2-ethyl hexanoate in binary and quaternary systems in SC-CO 2
31 Effect of flow rate on solubility of ester in SC-CO 2 at pressure of 170 bar and temperature of 313 K
32 Solubility of ester in SC-CO 2 at temperature of 313 K and flow rate of 250 ml/min
33 The solubility of ester in SC-CO 2 at pressure of 170 bar and flow rate of 250 ml/min
34 The solubility of alcohol, acid, and ester in SC-CO 2 at temperature of 313 K and flow rate of 250 ml/min
35 Assume mechanism for solubility diminution of ester
36 SD (%)P (bar)T ( o C) Solubility diminution of ester
37 The solubility of alcohol, acid, and ester in SC-CO 2 at pressure of 170 bar and flow rate of 250 ml/min
38 Section (II): Continuous esterification and dehydration reactions in SC-CO 2
39 Apparatus
40 Modified sample collection
41 Recovery (%) Purge Test AcidAlcoholEster Glass beads n-hexane Modified Purge test for alcohol, acid, and ester
42 Yield (%) T ( o C) AlkeneEtherEster 84.8ND The effect of temperature on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
43 Yield (%) T ( o C) AlkeneEtherEster The effect of temperature on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
44 Yield (%) P (bar) AlkeneEtherEster The effect of pressure on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
45 Yield (%) r AlkeneEtherEster The effect of mole ratio on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
46 Yield (%) F (mL.min -1 ) AlkeneEtherEster 84.8N.D N.D N.D The effect of flow rate on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
47 Yield (%) Amberlyst 15 AlkeneEtherEster No used Used Usability of Amberlyt 15 on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
48 Yield Alkene (%)Parameter T ( o C) P (bar) r F (mL.min -1 ) The effect of different parameters on the continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
49 1) Synthesis of dimethyl phthalate
50 Yield (%) Catalytst AlkeneEtherEster N.D. 40.4ZrO 2 2) The continuous formation of ester in SC-CO 2
51 Alcohol conversion (%)Number of repeat Durability of ZrO 2
52 Assumed mechanism for esterification
53 Conclusion In bibnary system solubility of alcohol is greater than acid but in ternary one there is similar solubility. This may be due to hydrogen bonding. Binary solubility of ester is more than quaternary solubility. The yield of alkene in SC-CO 2 with amberlyst 15 is very high.
54 Lipase-catalyzed esterification of acetic anhydride with isoamyl alcohol in n-hexane: a kinetic study
55 Ping-Pong Mechanism enzyme reaction
56 Typical capillary GC separation Experimental
57 Calibration curve for isoamyl acetate and isoamyl alcohol
58 Effect of speed of agitation on esterification yield
59 Effect of substrate concentration on initial reaction
60 Time course of isoamyl acetate concentration and conversion of isoamyl alcohol
61 Effect of acetic anhydride concentration on initial reaction rate
62 Reciprocal initial reaction rate versus reciprocal acetic anhydride concentration
63 Effect of acetic acid concentration on isoamyl acetate yield
64DimensionValueParameter Mmol.min -1.g R R max Mmol.mL K K mAl Mmol.mL K K mAn Mmol.mL K iAn Kinetic parameters for esterification reaction
66 Conclusion The Isoamyl acetate synthesis with enzyme is very selective (100% selectivity). The reaction mechanism is Ping-Pong with anhydrid acetic as an inhibitor.
67 از حضور شما در اين سمينار سپاسگزارم
68 پايان
69 Solubility of Naphthalene in SC-CO 2
70 Solubility of MHET in various solvents at 130 o C
71 Reaction rate enhancement
72 Esterification: Selective ethoxylation of terephthalic acid
73 Reaction rate (mmol.min -1 )T ( o C) The effect of temperature on reaction rate E a = 227 Kcal.mol -1
74 Memory effect of enzyme in organic solvents
75 Hydrogenation: The dependence of the product distribution on the teperature of reactor wall
76 (Deloxan APII) containing Di-(2- ethyl-h2exyl) phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) as ion exchanger a polysiloxane material, ® Deloxan
77 SD i = (S b -S q )×100/S b Selectivity = S Acid /S Alcohol
78 Schematic representation of an inferred enzyme-substrate complex (A: CO 2 molecules)
79 Quadrupole-Quadrupole CO 2 /C 10 H 8 interaction
80 Schematic representation of relative solvent reorganization require for photodimerization leading to the syn versus anti configuration
81 از حضور شما در اين سمينار سپاسگزارم
82 از حضور شما در اين سمينار سپاسگزارم