Cities facing data collection and modeling in Urban Freight Transport SMILE partner meeting Bologna 05/11/2013 Partner’s logo Presented by: Martin Brandt.


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Presentation transcript:

Cities facing data collection and modeling in Urban Freight Transport SMILE partner meeting Bologna 05/11/2013 Partner’s logo Presented by: Martin Brandt

KLOK Kooperationszentrum Logistik e.V. is the competence center for logistics in Stuttgart Region, has the overview over the relevant transport chains in the region, knows the scientific and educational institutions in logistics, consults economy and politics and takes part in projects: „C-LIEGE“ for sustainable goods transport on the urban last mile, AlpFrail to shift trans-alpine traffic to rails, Open ENLoCC, the European network of logistics competence centers (KLOK is secretariat of the network), together with its partners runs the logistics network Baden- Württemberg LogBW.

Goods transport data: The municipal starting point „We want to influence goods traffic flows.“ We must know the amount of goods transport. We must know the different transport flows (origins, destinations, routes). => „We need data!“

What is there? Traffic data exists (sometimes lots of data). Goods traffic data sometimes exists. But: Usually, data exists only for traffic amounts on certain roads / at certain points.

Data from traffic counts Sources: Physical counting. Mobile counting devices. Installed counting devices. Other sources. Differentiation usually by size/weight of vehicle only. Location of the counting device influences the result.

Data from traffic counts Processing: Differentiation by size/ weight of vehicle only. Perhaps lots of interpolation. Perhaps based on many assumptions from (experienced) consultants.  Risk: Pseudo precision.  Risk: Assumptions are interpreted as results.

The initial problem No matrix data. No data of actual routes chosen by the individual vehicles. Possible Solution: More data? Perhaps down to individual trips? Result: No end of data request.

Potential solution: Model building Imagine the different types of urban goods transport. Imagine typical routes and flows for each type.

Potential solution: Model building First result: Urban goods mobility has many aspects. Decide which flows and modes are relevant. ? ?

Potentially relevant flows By type of cargo: –Bulk –Parcels –Textiles –Food –Cooled food –Bottles/barrels –Waste –... By type of transport: –Through traffic –Last mile deliveries –Express deliveries –Delivery services –Service cars –Motorbikes –Bicycles –...

Model Building Process For relevant flows, get a first understanding of: –The order of magnitude for the relevant area, –Important sources and sinks in the area, –Likely routes.

Model Building Process The model building process causes more and more understanding of the relevant partial flows. Combining the partial results allows for first estimates of volumes. Typical (existing) traffic data can be used to check and calibrate the estimations.

Result Understanding of the different types of goods traffic. Existing data now is useful. Independent interpretation of consultants‘ work. Additional data request remains limited and is more specific. The influence of whatever measures can be estimated, regarding –Influence upon the specific type of goods traffic, –Influence upon goods traffic as a whole. A planning tool has been created!

Thank you for your kind attention! Martin Brandt KLOK Kooperationszentrum Logistik e.V. Stammheimer Straße 10 D Kornwestheim