BANK FOR EXPORTERS The key purpose of EXIMBANK OF RUSSIA is financial and guarantee support of Russian exporters to ensure maximum coverage of exporters’ needs for financing of export transactions and support of their export operations. 01 State Specialized Russian Export-Import Bank (Joint Stock Company) (EXIMBANK OF RUSSIA) was founded in 1994 in accordance with Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 633 dated “On foundation of the Russian Export-Import Bank” and No. 16 dated “On the Russian Export-Import Bank” License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated the 18 th of April 1994 No. 2790–г The charter capital of the bank as of amounts to RUB billion. EXIMBANK OF RUSSIA is a member of the state system of export support in the Russian Federation including accomplishment of functions of the agency of the Russian Government on matters of state support of export of industrial products
OUR APPROACHES 0202 The Bank together with EXIAR JSC offers a line of combined financial products adapted to meet clients’ needs under conditions of a complicated world environment The Bank aims at creation and maintenance of long-term partnership relations The Bank unifies approaches to consideration of applications and implements best credit work practices The Bank has a wide geography of operation within the framework of implementation of key directions of its business: including CIS, APR, BRICS, countries of the Latin America
OUR PROJECTS 20 years of operations in the market have given us a serious experience in various branches. We really understand what exporters need Supply of a complex of equipment for the HPP Toachi-Pilaton in the Republic of Ecuador. Project cost - $ 500 mln. Supply of passenger aircraft An-158 to Cuba. Project cost is $ 560 mln. Construction of national satellite communication and broadcasting system (ANGOSAT) in Angola. Project cost is $ 430 mln.
OUR PRODUCTS The basic line of credit products covers financing of export projects at all stages of the export cycle and is formed in three key directions: 0404 Credit for an exporter (pre-export financing): a group of credit products providing for financing of the exporter’s expenses under individual export contracts or within the framework of regular export operations A credit for an exporter (post-export financing): a group of credit products providing for financing of receivables of an exporter within the framework of a commercial loan (deferred payment) under an export contract or regular export supplies A credit for a foreign purchaser: a group of credit products providing for financing of a foreign purchaser including using a confirmed letter of credit issued by the bank of the foreign purchaser for the purposes of payment under the export contract
GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR AN EXPORTER (pre-export financing) 0505 Financing of expenses under an export contract IMPORTER 2.1. Credit issue 5. Credit repayment 4. Payment under the contract 3. Production and supply of goods (works, services) 1. Execution of an export contract 2.3. Provision of insurance coverage 2.2. Pledge of claims for export revenues EXPORTER (Russia)
IMPORTER GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR AN EXPORTER (pre-export financing) 0606 Financing of current expenses relating to export supplies 2.1. Credit issue 5. Credit repayment 4. Payment under the contract 3. Production and supply of goods (works, services) 1. Execution of an export contract 2.3. Provision of insurance coverage 2.2. Pledge of claims for export revenues IMPORTER EXPORTER (Russia) IMPORTER
3.1. Provision of insurance coverage GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR AN EXPORTER (post-export financing) 07 Financing of a commercial credit for an exporter IMPORTER 3.2. Credit issue 5. Credit repayment 4. Payment under the contract 2. Production and supply of goods (works, services) 1. Execution of an export contract Beneficiary under the Insurance Contract 3.3. Pledge of claims for export revenues EXPORTER (Russia) 3.1. Provision of insurance coverage
IMPORTER GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR AN EXPORTER (post-export financing) 08 Financing of trade turnover with foreign purchasers 3.2. Credit issue 5. Credit repayment 4. Payment under the contract 2. Production and supply of goods (works, services) 1. Execution of an export contract 2.3. Provision of insurance coverage 3.3. Pledge of claims for export revenues IMPORTER EXPORTER (Russia) IMPORTER 3.1. Provision of insurance coverage
GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR A FOREIGN PURCHASER 09 A direct credit for a foreign purchaser IMPORTER EXPORTER (Russia) 4. Payment by order of the importer on account of the credit 5. Credit repayment 1. Execution of an export contract 3.2. Provision of insurance coverage 2. Supply of goods (works, services) 3.1. Execution of a credit contract
GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR A FOREIGN PURCHASER 10 A credit to the bank of a foreign purchaser IMPORTER EXPORTER 2.2. Provision of insurance coverage IMPORTER’S BANK 9. Credit repayment 4. Target interbank credit 6. Supply of goods (works, services) 1. Execution of an export contract 7. Payment under the contract 8. Credit repayment 5. Credit for the importer 3. Credit Contract 2.1. Execution of the credit contract
GROUP OF PRODUCTS: CREDIT FOR A FOREIGN PURCHASER 11 Financing through a confirmed letter of credit EXPORTER (Russia) IMPORTER 4.2. Provision of insurance coverage IMPORTER’S BANK 5. Supply of goods (works, services) 1. Execution of an export contract 9. Debt repayment 2. Application for a letter of credit 3. Opening of the letter of credit 8. Documents relating to the letter of credit 10. Repayment of the debt under the letter of credit 4.1. Advising and confirmation of the letter of credit 6. Shipping documents under the letter of credit 7. Payments under the letter of credit
World Trade Center , Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 12, entrance 9 Telephone number: