It’s a Good Idea to Shut It Down: Reducing Unnecessary Idling School Bus Driver “Reduce Idling” Training North Carolina DMV June 2005 Save Fuel and Breathe Easier!
Health Effects of Diesel Particles – Especially on Young Children Due to tiny size of fine “Particulate Matter” it can penetrate deeply into the lungs May cause allergy symptoms, including irritation to the airways Aggravates bronchitis and pneumonia and triggers asthma attacks PM is linked to cancer and increased heart attack risk; could lead to “premature death” REDUCED IDLING REDUCES RISK!
Particulate Matter: What is It? A complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets PM 2.5 (2.5 µm) PM 10 ( 10µm ) Human Hair (70 µm diameter)
Where Does PM Come From?
The Decade of the Diesel Public Policy reflects Health Studies New, cleaner engine standards New, cleaner burning fuels Biodiesel Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (350 -> 15 ppm) Diesel engine retrofits “Idling Reduction” campaigns
New Diesel Bus Engine Emissions Standards
Rising Cost of Diesel Fuel COST TRIPLED in 40 months February, 2002: $0.55 per gallon June, 2005: $1.66 per gallon
School Buses in North Carolina Outstanding safety record In NC, more than 13,000 buses transport more than 700,000 students nearly a million miles a day
School Bus Idling Reduction Benefits Cleaner, clearer air to breathe Improved health Cost savings Reduced Idling Could Save $1 million per year statewide
Reduced Idling Recommendations Don’t idle your school bus longer than five (5) minutes to build up air pressure. Additional idling does not warm up the school bus. Don’t idle your school bus longer than two (2) minutes to cool down the turbo at the end of the route.
Reduced Idling Recommendations Do not idle your bus while loading or unloading on school grounds.
Reduced Idling Recommendations Bus should NEVER be left idling and unattended!
School Bus Parking Diagonal Parking Nose to Tail Parking Park Away from Air-Intake for School Buildings
School Bus Driving Be aware of your driving position Avoid following trucks or other buses if possible; if not possible, keep your distance to avoid THEIR exhaust
YellowGreen School Buses – Both Yellow & Green YOU Hold the Key ! Drive Clean
School Bus Resources North Carolina Division of Air Quality DPI Transportation Services Clean School Bus USA For more information on Anti-Idling Training contact the NC Division of Motor Vehicles, School Bus and Traffic Safety (919/ )