Proposal of Choogle (working title) Integrated cultural heritage knowledge base Phase I: Small core with connectors to individual databases Easy and open access of basic CH data Limited: Integration of data from level1 ? - 10 attributes Need support from the involved countires (CHIC partners ?) Language national / computer translation
Proposal of Choogle (working title) Integrated cultural heritage knowledge base Phase II: Extension of phase I - design based on implementation and acceptance of phase I Content will correspond to CHIC recomendations and strategies Could allow Review of data quality Collection of external data (outside the national databases)
CHOOGLE – Architecture Phase I CHOOGLE integration layer National Database Czech Republic National Database Slovenia National Database Austria... Web Service CZWeb Service AT Web Service SI Cache, Data Quality Evaluation User interfaceWeb Service (Linked Data) Show me gothic churches in the Central Europe National Database Slovenia...
CHIC final outputs data owners Fitting to CHIC National db CHoogle National db Identified by WP2 and WP3 WP6 communication and dissemination... Extension - fitting the CHIC reccommendations and strategies - fitting end users demands - serving data owners IT solution developed under WP4 – ITAM Support – CHIC partners WP5 recommendations and strategies Clarifiation of CHIC impact and targeted end users PHASE I PHASE II Use of Phase I Basic source data available - GIS maps - Tourism - Strategic planning tool / way of implementation / support
CHOOGLE – Use-cases 1.phase