Important message Big Lottery Fund is still consulting with various partners to design this grants programme, therefore the detail within this presentation is subject to change and awaiting formal agreement. If you share the information more widely please ensure you are also clear that the detail is still under development.
Big Lottery Fund
The story in xxxx (your region) Over the last xxx years in xxx city region: Xxx funding xxx projects Building Better Opportunities opt in amount and priorities
Big Lottery Fund ESIF BBOBBO Why are The Fund getting involved in ESF
European Structural and Investment Fund
Who’s Who in European Funding?
Proposed activity
36 grants worth £630,000 3 Objectives; Awareness Administrative support Contact Programme Development Funding
Key components of the offer Cash match £250 Lottery money 1 Run a two-stage competitive grants process 2 Offer Lottery development grants 3 Provide support to applicants throughout 4 Offer different application windows 5 Simplify reporting and monitoring requirements 6
£250m cash match funding £250m Lottery money £300m ESF money
2-stage competitive grants process Outline proposal Detailed proposal
Lottery development grants Outline proposal Lottery money Detailed proposal
Support for applicants Outline proposal Lottery money Detailed proposal Set-up phase
Different application windows Timescales appropriate to the projects not projects to the timescales
Simplified monitoring Standardised tools, processes and systems
Proposed timelines
Next Steps.....
Further information