Washington & Oregon Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
Audience Interest Preparation What will help them
To what they say How they say it To the noises With your eyes Eye contact Their body language Movement
Protected classes Sarcasm The Helpful Head
Veterans (born before 1946) Baby Boomers ( ) Generation X ( ) Generation Y/Millennials (1980 …)
Computers remember information using logic. People remember information using emotions: love, hate, hope, fear, and desire.
I don’t care how smart you are Don’t tell me everything you know Tell me how you will help me Make emotion connections
Help your listeners: Like you Trust you Remember you Want to work with you
1. Set up the high-stakes situation 2. Know what your main character wants 3. Make the audience care 4. Describe the life-changing moment. 5. How does the story help you/audience?
Don’t look for the story Look for a life-changing moment What did you learn? Can it motivate others?
Stories must have a “story tension.”
Boy Stories: Drama Tension: “conflict” Best example: sports The story is over when: There is a loser.
Girl Stories: Romance Tension: “Hopeful Anticipation” Example: Romance novels The story is over when: It’s a tie; they both win.
Food Assoc. targeted a dairy. Membership/leadership visited annually. David took structure to the staff … With 4 members’ stories … to the dairy. That day, he had a new $15,000 member
Largest retail furniture company in the world. We had wooed for over 2 years to no avail: 2 sales people, our president and our board chair for membership- nada. I met them yesterday for over an hour, your principals in the forefront of my mind during our meeting … Make one powerful, statement … use my ‘open face’.... finalizing a membership/sponsorship package
Look for a life-changing moment: Remember a powerful moment in your work. Identify a discouraging moment in your career. At what moment did you know this was the right work for you? What did you learn? Can it motivate others?
1. Set up the high-stakes situation 2. Know what your main character wants 3. Make the audience care 4. Describe the life-changing moment. 5. How does the story help you/audience?
making the complicated simple and the simple powerful ® Bill Graham Copyright © 2014 Facebook