INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECT The role of Oulu students -Pekka Alaluukas and Jaakko Kaski-
PRODUCT IDEA Each group give at least 2 ideas for mobile phone. The ideas will be developed with Windows and/or Android phones. There can also be web features and a database included. We need at least 5 ideas which are utilizing sensor data. Thus, each group give at least one idea which fulfils this requirement. Write ”real stories” about the ideas. Who is using the product? In what situation it will be used? Who is really buying the product and why? What is the feature why this product is unique? Why and how it differs from the competitors? This Word-document will be put into Redmines ”Documents”. This has to be ready before The managers choose the idea for each group at week 4. The product documentation can be started after the choise.
PRACTICAL THINGS addresses are already in a file The Skype names are needed Test Skype so that you are in different rooms Pekka is teaching how to use Redmine Make ”a group presentation” Write some information about yourselves. What are your backgrounds and your hobbies? Put some photos into the file. Start collecting documents and photos about the group work. You will need them later for your presentations.
WE HAVE A VISITOR Tom Peeters is coming to Oulu at week 4 At first, Tom will give a presentation about Belgium and Antwerp and the cooperation from their point of view. Tom will show an demo based on acceleration sensor data. This demo is studied earlier. After the demo, Tom will tell which documents are needed for this example so that the developer can do this product as it is ment to be. The ideas of the groups will be concidered… and fixed… and the students will get time to start writing "Real story" about the product… i.e. much larger than about the idea. This story will be put into Redmine’s Wiki. Tom will use the story for presenting the ideas for the students in Antwerp. The students in Antwerp will choose the ideas on the basis of the documents. Note that we have group presentations in Oulu about the whole product documentation before we send it to Antwerp.
THE PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION The ”real story” about the product… in Redmine’s Wiki. The block diagram of the product… in Redmine’s Documents. The product Backlog will be written in the form ”Use cases” and will be put into Redmine’s ”Backlogs”. The UI figures are made by using myBalsamic. The project, product and it’s documentation will be presented publicly in Oulu before sending the documents to Antwerp.
GRAPHICAL MEDIA STUDENTS Graphical media students can also choose to take part to the cooperation. If the project plan documents are good and interesting… more probably we will get also good brochures and/or advertisements for the products… made by graphical media students. These students are also in Antwerp.
AFTER THE DOCUMENTATION The sprints start in Belgium. Some information from 2014: In each sprint, there will be: A start meeting where the use cases are picked up for realization. A short sprint meeting in the middle of the sprint… is there anything to ask? Is the documentation clear enough? The sprint review: Oulu students are responsible for moving the realized ”use cases” into ”Closed” or ”Rejected”. Each use case is presented using demos. After a sprint: Oulu students are testing the demos. Are they working as they should be? ”Can we give the money for the developers?” Feedback for the cooperation group (and copy to managers)… was the product owner happy with the demo or not? Next sprint meetings… If Oulu students have time… they can interview ”customers”. Make plan about the interview. Who are assumed customers… try to find some of them.
INTERNATIONAL PROJECT DAYS The international project days take place in Antwerp at 12. – The cooperation groups ”melt together” their presentations about the project and the product. If there is no partisipants from Oulu, we require a video about the project work and documentation… which is shown in Antwerp. The video is like ”This is what we did in Oulu and this is the product which we ordered”… And then we will see what we got.