KOF Index of globalisaion The three dimensions of the KOF index are defined as: • economic globalization, characterized as long-distance flows of goods, capital and services, as well as information and perceptions that accompany market exchanges • political globalization, characterized by a diffusion of government policies • social globalization, expressed as the spread of ideas, information, images and people.
Task 1: watch each group presentations Task 1: watch each group presentations. Make notes about the description of the maps and how they ilustrate the concept of Globalisation.
Global core and periphery
Definitions Core - where there is a concentration of economic development. Resources, economic wealth, productivity, labour and political power are centralised in this favoured area (whether a city or a region).
Definitions Periphery - usually an area of low or declining economic development outside the core area. It is usually used for a region suffering from high unemployment, out migration and low living standards. The resource base may be poor or deteriorating.
Describe the pattern shown by EACH of the following maps. Task 2: Describe the pattern shown by EACH of the following maps. To describe a pattern remember to: describe the overall picture (use broad categories i.e Core, Semi Periphery and Periphery or compass points etc….) Give examples for each Core, Semi Periphery and Periphery countries. For this use the key where you can quote some figures and refer to the KOF index. Mention any anomalies. Areas which don’t fit what you said in a)
Economic globalization is characterized as long-distance flows of capital and services led by MEDCs.
Time space convergence Distance decay (frictional effect of distance) Improvements in transport Improvements in ICT
Financial flows
Financial flows
Economic globalisation is also characterized as long-distance flows of informal sources of capital from MEDCs to LEDCs
Value of remittances
Economic globalisation is characterized as long-distance flows of goods.
MAP 3 Consumer culture
Political globalisation is characterised by the diffusion of government policies.
International aid MAP 4
Intenational aid as a percentage of GNI
Social globalisation is expressed as the spread of ideas, information, images and people.
Global telephone traffic MAP 5
Extension and density of networks MAP 6
The digital divide The digital access index (DAI) The DAI measures the overall ability of individuals in a country to access and use ICT. It consists of five categories: • infrastructure – combined fixed and mobile teledensity • affordability – internet access price as a percentage of per capita GNI • knowledge – represented by adult literacy and combined enrolment up to tertiary schools • quality – represented by international internet bandwidth in bits per capita and percentage of broadband customers • usage by internet users per 100 population.
The digital divide Radio took 38 years to reach its first 50 million users; television took 13 years and the internet just four years. • Over 75% of internet users come from rich countries, which account for just 14% of the world’s population. • In Thailand, 90% of internet users live in urban areas. • In Chile, 74% of internet users are under 35 years of age. • In Ethiopia, 86% of internet users are male. • In the UK, 30% of internet users have salaries of over $120,000. • In the UK, over 50% of internet users have degrees.
MAP 7 Cultural diffusion
MAP 8 Cultural diffusion
Migration and migration control The age of migration (volume, globalised, feminised, diversified) Migration control in the USA Border crossing Entry by sea ports Fraudulent marriages Slavery Prostitution
Global core and periphery
Homogenization of urban landscape
Global core and periphery World systems analysis According to Wallerstein, the capitalist world system has three main characteristics: • a global market • many countries, which allow political and economic competition • three tiers of countries. Cycles of growth and stagnation e.g. Kondratieff cycle. Stagnation is important for the restructuring of the world system and allows the semi-periphery to become involved in the development process.
Essay Discuss the spatial pattern of global interactions between the core areas (the focus of interaction i.e network hubs/nodes), the peripheries and areas relatively unaffected by these interactions.