Malaysia’s strategy to combat SPAM Anti-SPAM Strategies: The Way Forward for the ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators Council (ATRC) Toh Swee Hoe Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) CYBERJAYA, 3-4 May 2005
2 What this presentation will cover 1.Situation of SPAM in Malaysia 2.The Malaysian Approach 3.A Call for Action
3 Situation of SPAM in Malaysia
5 The Malaysian Approach 1.Issued a public discussion paper on regulating spam on 7 August 2003 and the report was published on 18 February Developed action-plans to combat SPAM based on the following: a.Self-Regulation b.Management by Service Providers c.International cooperation d.Legislative recourse
6 Self-Regulation 1.Awareness/Education: targeting business and consumers 2.Setting up a SPAM portal ( 3.Promotion of technology-based solutions 4.Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum: Development of sub code for Internet Access Service Providers with provisions on Anti-SPAM measures
7 Self Regulation 5.The establishment of an Information Sharing Forum (ISF) chaired by MCMC and consist of Internet Access Service Providers (IASPs) and relevant stakeholders from private and public bodies a.Anti-SPAM Toolkit - encompassing technical guidelines and best practices for users - to be published in June 2005 b.“whitelist” of IPs and “blacklist” of known spammers.
8 Management by Service Providers 1.Enforcement of subscription contract between Service Providers and customers 2.Service Provider’s obligations under the Content Code and General Consumer Code which includes provision on importance of protecting personal information in respect of collecting and maintaining such information and the need for appropriate security and respect for consumers’ preferences regarding unsolicited mails and telephone calls. 3.Promotion of technology-based solutions
9 International Cooperation 1.Information sharing, technical solutions and study of legal provisions of each country 2.Urgent need for a coordinated approach by the global community - private and public bodies a.MCMC recently entered into a multilateral MOU with the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) and the Korean Information Security Agency (KISA) b.MCMC is leading the ASEAN Telecommunication Regulator Council (ATRC)working group on Anti-SPAM
10 International Cooperation 3.Malaysia’s role in the ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators Council (ATRC)] a.In line with the Singapore Declaration – An Action Agenda - adopted at the 3 rd TELMIN in September 2003, Singapore b.Ministers called for the acceleration of the development and security of the ASEAN Information Infrastructure
11 International Cooperation c.During the last ATRC meeting in Vientiane, Laos in July 2004, member countries agreed for Malaysia to spearhead ATRC’s action plan on SPAM; Establishes working level link between members; Encourages exchange of skills and sharing of: oPolicies and strategies; oTechnical expertise; oEducational strategies and information; and oKnowledge and information about known sources of SPAM
12 Facilitates cooperation between industry and Anti-SPAM groups within ATRC economies; Bilateral/Multilateral arrangements to fight SPAM; and Engages with other international fora towards cooperation in fighting SPAM. International Cooperation
13 Legislative Recourse 1.Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA) - addresses “improper use of network facilities or network services” 2.Compliance to the provisions of the registered Consumer codes and sub codes are mandated on licensees as part of the licensed condition - The Code for Internet Access Service Provider, which contains provisions on Anti-SPAM measures is awaiting registration by MCMC
14 Legislative Recourse 3.Monitoring developments of SPAM laws in other jurisdiction, examples: a.United States of America b.Australia c.Korea d.Other countries
15 A Call For Action 1.Service Providers a.Minimize/eradicate SPAM received through their gateway b.Offer solutions to users/customers c.Educate users/customers d.Ensure that spammers are blocked from using local network infrastructure to SPAM e.Cooperate with Regulators and other ISPs - share information f.Promote technical approach to counter SPAM
16 A Call For Action 2.Consumers a.Cultivate responsible use of your address b.Adopt technology solutions - anti-SPAM, anti-spy ware software c.Exercise rights - lodge complaints to the relevant organizations - MCMC’s online complain reporting on SPAM
17 A Call For Action 3.Companies/Organizations a.Adopt technology solutions b.Ensure policy is in place and adhered to c.Exercise rights - lodge complaints d.Educate employees on the usage of corporate/organizational
18 A Call for Action 4.Regulator’s Role a.Continue to work together in concert with the industry and other relevant organizations b.Continue to work with the global community especially with other regulators - SPAM is a global menace that requires global cooperation c.Build and sustain awareness/education d.Promote technical solution e.To act upon complaints received
19 Thank You Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, MALAYSIA