Your Logo Here Using Entertainment and Technology to Create Community Dr. William Raduchel Chairman and CEO, Ruckus Network
Your Logo Here Students Today Network attached: cell phone and PC Electronic proximity often as important than physical Live on broadband connections consumers will get in 5+ years Love media: download on average twice as much media as non-students the same age (Pew) with significant skews Don’t pay for it…but maybe never did
Your Logo Here Media Today Traditional campus media National media Institutional news High production value Dedicated attention Mobile phones Instant messaging Spontaneous content Short form media Informal sources Personal media libraries Social networking
Your Logo Here Timing Students are rebelling against consuming content as the producers want MP3 players and DVRs are here to stay Students want content when they want it, organized as they want it, without commercials Technology allows this The law will is struggling to stop this
Your Logo Here Attention Youth are living 31 hours in a 24 hour day by multitasking (music, TV, internet, cell phone) Media seldom captures complete attention When it does, it is for short periods Winning solutions play to this reality Maxim format
Your Logo Here Motivation Communication still communicates information But more and more resources are being used to communicate expression of self Ringtones prove how big is this market Consumers are paying more for a ringtone than they will pay for the whole song
Your Logo Here Discovery Dominant sources remain friends and ear Print media once provided the guide to what is new Today consumers rely on search, not just Google-type search Search on friends is a very powerful technique What are my friends doing now?
Your Logo Here Connectivity Bandwidth will get cheaper for consumers but for many colleges it already is virtually free Broadband wireless is commonplace Always on, anywhere is the norm, and sometime, somewhere is not adequate Technology and connectivity are not the limit
Your Logo Here Storage Disks basically cost the same and just get bigger and faster By 2007 or 2008 standard consumer PCs will have 5 terabytes All digitally available music today will take less than one quarter of it Students kept 1000 songs two years ago, 6500 songs today Gone from having the same top songs to having the same library
Your Logo Here Dominant Device The age of the PC is giving way to the age of the mobile for personal computing The first desktop display and keyboard designed for a mobile has to be within 2-3 years Think HDTV linked wirelessly to phone The mobile is a PC in another form factor 3G and EvDO phones are amazing devices Hard drives now shipping DMB allows high-speed multicasting
Your Logo Here News Spontaneous, informal sources are now beating formal sources both on accuracy and timeliness Combine this with youthful skepticism about institutions in general Average age of TV news over 60 Drug advertisements keeping it alive Blogs are proving to be uncontrollable and unpredictable
Your Logo Here Convergence Old theory but increasingly real---in terms of technology Everything will become IP: communication, information and entertainment Timing is the unknown
Your Logo Here Korea More Internet usage than television viewing Many unique cultural factors Self-expression Companionship Gaming Network neighborhood is the neighborhood that matters China very close behind
Your Logo Here Education for One Specific content instruction moves to the network Students learn what they need at their pace. Fixed school years end at 10th grade or earlier Secondary source materials give way to original materials Academic related digital media is central to curriculum: Think Blackboard Education never ends. Institutions become lifetime network home bases Enormous need for thoughtful, effective one-on-one counseling
Your Logo Here Companionship Loneliness and boredom are major drivers of media and Internet usage worldwide People use media to find and sustain friendships And friends to find media Media creates shared experiences that are the foundation of relationships
Your Logo Here A Japanese “un” Technology will give us ways to be linked unlike every before But that also reduces the need for physical proximity While increasing the ability to sustain the links over time and distance
Your Logo Here Buddy List Society Student computers have coursework, official portals, music, video, communication, social networking… But at most schools the university community is not there…
Your Logo Here Wrap-up Innovating Together in ‘05: –PC will be the social, entertainment, educational Center for students –Universities must find a way to play a role in that experience Resources Available: – Follow up Contact: –Brad Vaughn, Executive Director of Campus Relationships (703) IF YOU ONLY REMEMBER 1 THING: –Media creates shared experience among your students. Leverage it to strengthen your campus community
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