Project: Under-Contribution to Consumer Product Review, Why? (Version 0.1) Youngsun Kwak Amanda Damiano Ji Hye Choi
Purpose of Study This study aims to explore a behavior of abstaining active engagement in consumer product reviews, which also called ‘under-contribution.’ Unlike adoption of behavior, rejection of behavior has received less attention from scholars in context of individual online participation (contribution or behavioral engagement).
Theoretical Framework This study is based on an integrating approach of a attitude – behavior theory and a motivation theory to capture potential factors (determinants) influencing the abstaining behavior (Under-contribution).
Research Model Unwillingness to Contributing to CPR Less Competent Lack of Autonomy Weak Sense of Belongings Control Variables > Gender > Individual trait variables in relation to web voluntary participation such as e-mavenism or consumer innovativeness > Past behavior with engagement in CPR > Media usage of social media such as Facebook or social media > Online Transaction Self-Efficacy Negative Perceived Behavioral Control Low Self-determined Motivations (Amotivation) Under- Contribution to CPR Negative Attitude toward the Behavior Negative Subjective Norm (Social Influence) Integration of SDT and TPB Note for control variables. Personality Traits in relation to sharing information with others or contributing to information creation will be controlled.
Measures ConstructScale ItemsCitation 1CompetenceSDT, Pilot Study 2AutonomySDT, Pilot Study 3Sense of Belongings (Relatedness)SDT, Pilot Study 4Self-Determined MotivationSDT 5Attitude toward a behaviorTPB, Pilot Study 6Subjective NormTPB 7Perceived Behavioral ControlTPB 8Unwillingness to Contributing to CPRTPB 9Under-Contributing in CPRTPB 10e-Mavenism6 items anchoredFeick & Linda (1987) 11Past Behavior (Experience) with CPR contribution Huang, S. S., & Hsu, C. H. (2009) 12 In total 12 constructs are employed in the study, and some of them are constructed based on the pilot study – focus group interviews.
Hypotheses LET’S GO
Online Survey: > Sample Size – at least 400 > Procedures: Method Analysis Strategy: > Factor Analysis > SEM