Lily Crugher 7 TH hour. “Everything Happens For A Reason.” “To Live Doesn’t Mean Your Alive.” “Dream As If You’ll Live Forever& Live As If You’ll Die Today.”
Travels. Tampa, FL. Tampa, FL. Muskeegon, MI. Muskeegon, MI. Clearwater, FL. Clearwater, FL. Beaver Island, MI. Beaver Island, MI. Chicago, IL Chicago, IL St.Petersburg, FL. St.Petersburg, FL.
Future Goals I Want Become A Doctor. I Want Become A Doctor. I want to learn how to play the piano. I want to learn how to play the piano. I want to move to L.A. California. I want to move to L.A. California. I want to Travel The World when I get older. I want to Travel The World when I get older. I want to go snorkeling in the ocean. I want to go snorkeling in the ocean.
Involvement & Activities. Sitting On The Computer. Sitting On The Computer. Going for walks. Going for walks. Talking. Talking. Hanging out with my friends. Hanging out with my friends.
Thing I Like To Do. Watch Movies. Watch Movies. Ride My Golfcart. Ride My Golfcart. Hangout with friends. Hangout with friends. Go Shopping. Go Shopping. Facebook. Facebook. Play Video Games. Play Video Games.
Things About Me. I like look at stars in the summer at night. I like look at stars in the summer at night. I like to take walks. I like to take walks. I like to sit on Facebook & Tumblr. I like to sit on Facebook & Tumblr. I like to go upnorth in the summer. I like to go upnorth in the summer. I’m very allergic to cats. I’m very allergic to cats. I like to look at different kinds of cars with my grandpa. I like to look at different kinds of cars with my grandpa. My Favorite Show Is Nurse Jackie! My Favorite Show Is Nurse Jackie!