IB Physics 11 Mr. Jean November 10 th, 2014. The plan: Video clip of the day Return Quiz Simple collisions Conservation of energy Work, PE & KE. Final.


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Presentation transcript:

IB Physics 11 Mr. Jean November 10 th, 2014

The plan: Video clip of the day Return Quiz Simple collisions Conservation of energy Work, PE & KE. Final Project notes online already.

Brightstorm: Conservation of energy U1FfU0http:// U1FfU0 Spring potential Energy: jAtschttp:// jAtsc

Conservation of Energy: E k1 + E p1 + E e1 = E k2 + E p2 + E e2 E k1 = kinetic energy before event (J) E p1 = gravitational potential energy before event (J) E e1 = elastic potential energy before event. (J) E k2 = kinetic energy after event (J) E p2 = gravitational potential energy after event (J) E e2 = elastic potential energy after event. (J)

Roller Coaster Awesomeness: Welcome to the Lawyer Proof Pain-0-rama 2000 Theme Park. The star attraction of this theme park is a roller coaster which has an abrupt end. Calculate the potential energy, kinetic energy and velocity at the various locations.

1) E p = E Total 2) E Total = E k + E p

Simple Collisions Energy Transfers (Questions to think about) –What is the relationship between height and energy? –What is the relationship between weight and energy? –What is the relationship between velocity and energy? –What is the relationship to energy transfers from heavier to lighter objects? –Why do these relationships exist? (FYI: the response “because that’s the way it is” does not make the grade.)

In class mini-lab: To begin: Set up ramps with 1 textbook under the board. –A) Place car #1 (the car with the spring) at the top of the ramp. –B) Allow car #1 to roll down the ramp and collide with car #2. i) Add weight to car #1 (repeat A & B) ii) Add weight to car #2 (repeat A & B ) –C) Increase ramp height by adding books and repeat A & B.