$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500
KINETIC ENERGY - $100 The unit that kinetic energy is measured in.
KINETIC ENERGY - $200 Why does a falling object have the most kinetic energy right before it strikes the ground?
KINETIC ENERGY - $300 Kinetic energy is also known as this.
KINETIC ENERGY - $400 The variables that kinetic energy depends on.
KINETIC ENERGY - $500 This is how many times the kinetic energy of an object increases when the speed of an object triples.
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $100 This is the unit of potential energy.
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $200 Why does an apple have the most GPE when still in a tree before it falls?
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $300 Potential energy is also known as this.
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $400 These are the two types of potential energy discussed in the book.
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $500 Rearrange the potential energy equation to solve for mass.
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $100 This type of energy is due to the stretching or compressing of materials.
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $200 This is the sum of kinetic and potential in a system.
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $300 This is the process that occurs on the sun and which releases energy.
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $400 This is described as the energy associated with a substance that depends on the positions of the atoms it contains.
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $500 This is the type of wave that carries light to Earth from the sun.
ENERGY MATH - $100 This is the potential energy of a car with a mass of 1200 kg at the top of a 42 m high hill?
ENERGY MATH - $200 This is the kinetic energy of a 1500 J car moving at 18 m/s.
ENERGY MATH - $300 This is the mass of a bird flying 550 m above the ground with a GPE of 2808 J.
ENERGY MATH - $400 This is the speed of a 35 kg child who has a kinetic energy of 190 J.
ENERGY MATH - $500 This is the height of a kg egg that has 8.0 J of potential energy.
ENERGY LABS. - $100 As the ball rolled down the ramp, _____ energy was transferred into _____ energy.
ENERGY LABS - $200 How did the ball get the GPE that it had at the top of the ramp? (what did the work?)
ENERGY LABS - $300 A bouncing ball slowly loses height. Name two ways that energy was transferred to nonmechanical forms.
ENERGY LABS - $400 Allie and Sallie have the same mass but Sallie climbs a set of stairs twice as fast. Who does more work? Work generates more power?
ENERGY LABS - $500 This is the relationship between work and steepness of the ramp.
KINETIC ENERGYES - $100 What are Joules? $
KINETIC ENERGYES - $200 Because it has it’s greatest velocity. $
KINETIC ENERGYES - $300 What is “the energy of motion”? $
KINETIC ENERGYES - $400 What are mass and velocity? $
KINETIC ENERGYES - $500 What is increases by a factor of nine? $
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $100 What is the Joule? $
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $200 It has it’s greatest height. $
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $300 What is stored energy? $
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $400 What are elastic and gravitational? $
POTENTIAL ENERGY- $500 What is m = PE/gh $
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $100 What is it elastic potential energy? $
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $200 What is mechanical energy? $
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $300 What is nuclear fusion? $
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $400 What is chemical energy? $
OTHER FORMS OF ENERGY - $500 What is an electromagnetic wave? $
ENERGY MATH - $100 What is Joules? $
ENERGY MATH - $200 What is Joules? $
ENERGY MATH - $300 What is 0.52 kg? $
ENERGY MATH - $400 What is 3.3 m/s? $
ENERGY MATH - $500 What is 15 meters? $
ENERGY LABS- $100 What is gravitational potential to kinetic? $
ENERGY LABS - $200 Work was done by you. $
ENERGY LABS - $300 What is sound, the floor, or thermal (friction)? $
ENERGY LABS - $400 $ Allie and Sallie do the same amount of work. Sallie generates more power.
ENERGY LABS - $500 NO RELATIONSHIP! Steepness Force Steepness Distance Steepness Work unchanged! $