Taxonomy Understanding relationships
Classification Scheme Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species Class Order Family Genus Family Phylum Class
Five Kingdom System Moneran- bacteria & blue-green algae Prokaryote, cell wall, unicell, plasmid, asexual reproduction, E. Coli, Anabeana, bacillus, spirillus, cocci, Protist- Algae, Protozoans Eukaryote, unicell, “catch- all,” lack tissues, asexual reproduction or not Amoeba, Paramecium, Volvox Fungus- Mushrooms, molds, smut, yeast Cell wall of chitin, heterotroph Truffles, bread mold, corn smut, Plant- vascular & non- vascular Cellulose cell wall, chlorophyll, multicellular, sexual reproduction White pine, Trillium, water lily, Animal- vertebrates & invertebrates Lack cell wall, motile, heterotroph, sexual reproduction, Earthworm, sponge, coral, sea bass, human
Dichotomous Key for Kingdoms 1. A. Cell wall present go to 2 B. Cell wall absent go to 3 2. A. Cell wall made of cellulose...go to 5 B. Cell wall not made of cellulose...go to 4 3. A. Tissues absent......Protista B. Tissues present.....Animalia 4. A. Prokaryote Moneran B. Eukaryote Fungus 5. A. Tissues present Plant B. Tissues absent Protista
Phyla of Animalia Porifera(Sponges) Radial symmetry, spongin, pores, two cell layers Cnidarian (coral, jellyfish) Colonial, radial, nematocysts, polyp, medusa, 2 c.l. + jelly Ctenophora (comb jellies) Comb plates with cilia Platyhelminthes(Flatworms) Three c.l., two-way digestion, Bilateral symmetry
Three classes of platyhelminthes: Turbellaria, Trematoda, Cestoda
Phyla of Animals, con’t Nematodaroundworm 3 c.l., one-way digestion, Rotifera Motile, cilia form a wheel around mouth Arthropods Chitin exoskeleton, Jointed appendages, advanced sensory system, antennae, eyes have many lenses, hearing, distinct body regions, open circulatory Annelida
Classes of Arthropods Diplopoda (millipedes) Diplopoda (millipedes) Two pair legs/segment Chilopoda (centipedes) Chilopoda (centipedes) One pair/segment POISONOUS Arachnids Arachnids Two body parts Eight legs spinnerets
More Arthropod Classes Crustaceans Crustaceans Fused cephalothorax Fused cephalothorax Swimmerets Swimmerets Marine & freshwater Marine & freshwater Gills Gills Antennae Antennae Examples, lobster, shrimp, barnacles, crabs Examples, lobster, shrimp, barnacles, crabs Five pairs of legs (claws) Five pairs of legs (claws) Insect Insect 3 body regions-head, thorax, abdomen 3 body regions-head, thorax, abdomen Three pairs of legs Three pairs of legs Tympanum (ear in thorax) Tympanum (ear in thorax) trachea trachea
Phylum Rotifer
Hookworm Life Cycle
Phylum Mollusca Mantle Mantle One-way digestion One-way digestion Exoskeleton of calcium carbonate (or not) Exoskeleton of calcium carbonate (or not) Move by muscular foot Move by muscular foot Siphon Siphon Gills Gills Filter feeders Filter feeders Radula Radula
Three Classes of Mollusks Gastropoda Gastropoda Cephalopoda Cephalopoda Bivalvia Bivalvia (yes, there are more) (yes, there are more)
Phylum Annelida Segmented Segmented Nephridia Nephridia Setae Setae Anterior ganglion Anterior ganglion Closed circulatory system Closed circulatory system
Echinodermata Spiney skinned Spiney skinned Vascular system-tubes and suction Vascular system-tubes and suction Molluscs Molluscs Sexual and asexual reproduce Sexual and asexual reproduce
Chordata Dorsal nerve chord Dorsal nerve chord More advanced-Paired appendages More advanced-Paired appendages Sweet Nervous system-extremely advanced Sweet Nervous system-extremely advanced All five senses All five senses