Journey through Babylon Searching for Answers Harrison's Blunder Sound of Stupidity There will Come Strange Robots
My name is John of the Hill people
What is the main character's name
The river, the East, and the Dead Places
Were are the 3 places John's father forbid him from going?
The moment John realizes the “Gods” were simply men
What is the climax of the story By the Waters of Babylon?
The eagle, the panther, the birds flying
What were the three signs that told John to go East despite his father's wishes?
John saw a ball of fire drop from the sky, poisonous gases, and people dying in the streets.
What was the vision John experienced while in the skyscraper with the dead “God?”
Tom, Lily, Mr. Noakes, Mrs. Hatching and her son
Who were the main characters in Searching for Summer?
Mrs. Hatching left her purse on the bus.
What was the reason for Tom and Lily going to Mrs. Hatching's house?
They had days and nights like we do—complete with sunshine.
What was special about the cottage?
They believed Mr. Noakes would try to purchase the land, turn it into a resort, and overpopulate the area with tourists.
Why didn't Tom and Lily tell Mr. Noakes about the cottage.
In the days when there was sunshine.
How did old people begin stories?
The use and creation of handicaps
What has guaranteed equality in this society?
An earpiece to keep him from thinking too in-depth, and bags of birdshot.
What are George's handicaps?
He breaks out of jail, takes over a television studio, declares himself emperor, claims an emperess, jumps in the air and kisses the ceiling.
What is the way that Harrison rebels agains the governmental system of equality?
This society isn't really equal at all. People could rebel every day and we would never know.
What is the resolution or comclusion of the story?
Apologized for her voice and wore a horrible mask.
Who was the ballerina?
Who was the person who stepped off the floating path?
A different president had been elected and the sign was written differently.
What was different about the present when they returned from their hunting trip?
Time Safaris Inc.
What was the name of the Time travel compny?
A gunshot
What created “the Sound of thunder”
The chaos theory or “Butterfly Effect”
What is the scientific theory The Sound of Thunder was based off of?
The house catches fire because of a tree branch falling through the window.
What is the conclusion?
The dog arrives with sores, there is a singed outline of people on the side of the house, and the city gave a “radioactive glow”
What are the pieces of foreshadowing that allow us to figure out what happened to the family that once lived in the house.
Ray Bradbury
Who wrote “There Will Come Soft Rains”
The cigars and martinis, bridge game, perfect family breakfast, and nightly poetry reading in the library.
What are the pieces of evidence to prove it was written in the 1950's
Technology can serve as a great benefit to our lives, or (without care) can end our lives.
What is the theme for this story?