Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 1 SELF CONTAINED SELF RESCUERS OVERVIEW Can SCSR compliment my mine emergency plan?
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 2 Self Contained Self Rescuers Selection of SCSR Evaluation of SCSR Training on SCSR Inspection of SCSR
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 3 Self Contained Self Rescuers Selection of SCSR NIOSH approved 10 minute 60 minute Other country approvals 20 minute 30 minute 35 minute 90 minute NOTE: There are units at NIOSH that are pending different approval durations. There are SCSR on the market that have other approvals, such as Europe EN401, Australia, and South Africa. The duration of SCSR approval will vary country to country.
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 4 Self Contained Self Rescuers SELECTION of SCSR MSHA TRAVEL DISTANCE IN 30 MINUTES: Crawlless 40 inches1100 ft Duckwalk40 – 50 inches1700 ft Walk Head Bent51 – 65 inches2200 ft Walk Erect more than65 inches2900 ft THESE DISTANCES CAN BE DRAMATICALLY DECREASED IN SMOKE
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 5 Self Contained Self Rescuers Selection of SCSR Are wearers medically capable of wearing SCSR (CSA 94.4)? Is communications by wearers important during evacuation? Eye protection required Ease of change-over, if required Breathing resistance, starting of unit, breathing temperature, wearability Durability when worn, durability when carried or stored on vehicles
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 6 Self Contained Self Rescuers EVALUATION OF SCSR WRITTEN PROTOCOL FOR WALK OUT TEST Selection of Candidates -Age -Physical condition -Experience -Physical size
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 7 Evaluations of SCSR Ease of opening Ease of donning Ease of starting Breathing temperature Breathing resistance Wearability during travel Time to flat bag Ease of change-over if required
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 8 Self Contained Self Rescuers EVALUATION OF SCSR SELECTION OF TEST AREA -Realistic as possible (plan around worst case scenario) -Temperature and humidity -Terrain as realistic as possible (including going up or down ladders)
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 9 Self Contained Self Rescuers CACHE / STORAGE ON VEHICLES A)CACHE Cache well identified, even in smoke Cache easily opened but secure Cache well lit Cache area well ventilated Travel ways to cache well marked Control at cache Swapping First come first served
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 10 Self Contained Self Rescuers CACHE / STORAGE ON VEHICLES B)STORAGE ON VEHICLES Well secured in vehicle Location clearly identified Easy Access
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 11 TRAINING INITIAL TRAINING 1.Fully understand how SCSR functions 2.Initial instruction covers all components of SCSR 3.Trainee must show competency of donning and wearing SCSR 4.If change-out is to be done, the trainee must show competency 5.Training should simulate mine evacuation
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 12 TRAINING RETRAINING 1.Should be done quarterly 2.Trainee should show competency for donning and wearing 3.Retraining should simulate mine evacuation
Draeger Safety Canada Ltd. ©2006 October 6, 2015 Page 13 INSPECTION INSPECTION – 8 HRS PER DAY, 5 HRS PER WK 1.Daily on carried units – physical exam & checking colour indicator 2.90 day shake test – done by qualified person 3.10 years service life plan 4.Stored in Warehouse – no inspection