By: Kelly Doolen
12345 Lily: Mommy, can we go to the dessert aisle? I want to pick out some treats! Mommy: Let’s go check it out. Lily: Wow! Look at those desserts they all look delicious! Mommy: Yes, they surely do! Lily: Can we buy some? I want those cupcakes, brownies, and cookies! Mommy: Sure, we can get a few, but you have to promise me you won’t eat them all at once! Lily: Okay, tomorrow I’ll have the cupcakes for breakfast, the brownies for lunch, and the cookies for dinner! I am so excited!!!
Mommy: No, Lily that’s a bad idea! Desserts shouldn’t be eaten as meals. They are not that good for you to eat all the time. Lily: Why not? They taste so good, that’s why I want to eat them! Mommy: Trust me they’re not the best for you! You should be following the food pyramid daily. Lily: What is the food pyramid? Do I have to like put my food in the shape of a pyramid? That’s weird! Mommy: No, silly goose. The food pyramid is a chart that tells you what food groups you should eat daily and the amount of them you should eat. Lily: Are cupcakes, cookies, and brownies all in different groups? Mommy: No, those all belong in the fats/oil group. Lily: What other groups are there? Is there one for vegetables and fruits?
Mommy: Yes, there are groups for both vegetables and fruits. Also, there are groups for grains, dairy, and protein (like meats, beans, and nuts). Lily: So, how much of these groups should I eat during the day? Mommy: You should have 6 ounces of grains, 2 ½ cups of vegetables, 1 ½ cups of fruits, 3 cups of dairy, 5 ounces of protein, and a very limited amount of fats/oils. Lily: Oh my, how am I supposed to remember this? Mommy: Don’t worry Lily we’ll make a chart at home for you to remember and I’ll help you. Lily: Thanks Mommy! That will help a whole lot. I cannot wait to have a healthy diet! Mommy: No problem kiddo. We will stay healthy together!