L ILY N EVISON M AXIMUM R IDE :S CHOOL ’ S O UT -F OREVER B Y : J AMES P ATTERSON Grand Central Publishing February 2009
I NTRODUCTION Flying through the sky to D.C. the main characters in School’s Out-Forever, who are always traveling, immediately stumble upon a fight with the enemies, leaving Fang badly hurt and needing to go to the hospital. What will happen after the doctors see his wings?
P ROTAGONIST & A NTAGONIST Maximum Ride is the main protagonist. She is considered perfect, and is the leader of the group. She is a fierce fighter. She is part avian. Ari is the main antagonist. He is jealous of Max. He is driven and relentless. All he wants is his dad’s approval.
C ENTRAL C ONFLICT Max is being told she’ll save the world by the voice in her head, but she wasn’t told how. Throughout the whole story, Ari is chasing after Max and her gang, trying to kill them.
O THER C HARACTERS Iggy is part of Max’s group and is part Avian like the rest of the group. He is blind. Fang is another member or the group and he helps Max with leading the group. Nudge, Angel, and Gazzy are the other members in the group. Jeb is Ari and Max’s apparent father with a mysterious aura.
W HAT C RITICS S AY Michael Fulmer says the book left him on the edge of his seat and he would recommend it to anyone who enjoys action-packed books. Chante Pabst says that School’s Out-Forever is her favorite book in the series and that she loves the relations between the characters along with the suspense and tradgedy.
W HAT I T HINK The action never stops in this story. I love books filled with action and this is perfect. Behind all the seriousness of the conflicts there is always comical relief. I loved this book and will continue reading the series. I would recommend this book to any one who loves books filled with nonstop action.