The Roman Empire Test Review
1.The Ides of March was on March 15, 44 B.C. Beware the Ides of March!
1. It was the assassination of Julius Caesar.
2. Gladiators were trained fighters forced to battle to death in an arena.
3. The Punic Wars—Rome vs. Carthage
4. The Punic Wars—Rome won war with Carthage and gained control of the Mediterranean Sea from Anatolia (present day Turkey) to Spain
5. The Roman religion was POLYTHEISTIC before it was Christianity! They believed in many gods and goddesses.
6. The Romans based their religion on that of the GREEKS!
7. The Apostles were 12 followers of Jesus who help- ed spread his teachings (Paul)
8. Christianity continued to spread after Jesus’ death because: *Pax Romana -good system of roads and everyone spoke Latin *Paul and the Apostles -helped spread his message
9 & 10. Emperor Constantine made Christianity an acceptable religion in the Edict of Milan Edict of Milan
11. Emperor Diocletian was known for: 1. Splitting the Empire into an Eastern and Western portion 2. Restoring order and slowing down its decline
12. Pax Romana—(27 B.C.-180 A.D.)GOLDEN AGE! A period of peace and prosperity during which Romans developed many styles of art, architecture, literature and drama which made long lasting contributions to Western civilization.
13. Augustus Caesar started the Golden Age and took control of the Empire in 27 A.D.
A.D. was the official end the Roman Empire.
15. Language: Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire is the basis for all Romance languages ex. Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Romanian as well as half of all English words
16. Laws: Twelve Tables — written law code which unified laws throughout the Empire! ALL free citizens had a right to the protection of law the protection of law
Causes for the Decline of the Roman Empire Military CausesEconomic CausesPolitical Causes
Monothei stic – belief in only one god Eternal life after death Christianity welcomes all converts Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins
1. Art - classical REALISTIC! -mosaics
2. Architecture: perfected the arch and dome Built aqueducts to transport water throughout the empire
3. Language: Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire is the basis for all Romance languages ex. Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Romanian as well as half of all English words
4. Religion – Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire
5. Government: Rome had an indirect democracy people whose representatives to run the state for them
6. Laws: Twelve Tables —written law code which unified laws throughout the Empire! ALL free citizens had a right to the protection of law the protection of law