WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report IEEE Session #47 Atlanta, USA Closing Plenary Subir Das Subir at research dot telcordia dot com Subir Das, Chair, IEEE November 2011
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Meeting Updates SB Re-circ Comment Resolution Updates Motions Teleconference update Future Locations November 2011 Subir Das, Chair, IEEE Slide 2
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report WG and TG Reports IEEE a –Resolved all comments except one and it is available at: sbr1-comments.xls IEEE b –Resolved all comments except one and it is available at: sbr1-comments.xlshttps://mentor.ieee.org/802.21/dcn/11/ bcst b- sbr1-comments.xls c Single Radio Handovers Task Group – tg-november-report-and-agenda.ppt November 2011 Subir Das, Chair, IEEE Slide 3
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Slide 4 P Straw Poll Which Lunch option would you prefer at the March 2012 Plenary Session in Waikoloa, Hawaii? Choice 1: Lunch provided, ($200 mtg fee increase) : Support: 0(Y) 12 (N) Choice 2: Lunch provided, ($100 mtg fee increase, plus subsidy from the 802 Operating Reserve) (Buffet style -- similar to what has been done during the Wireless Interims): Support: 07 (Y) 03 (N) Choice 3: Grab and go lunch - paid for by the attendee -- (unknown specific cost minimum guarantee ): Support: 0 (Y) 12 (N) Choice 4: Extend lunch time (WG basis/choice) to allow folks to go to the hotel restaurants or malls that are about 1 mile away: Support : 05(Y), 0(N) November 2011 Subir Das, Chair, IEEE
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Slide 5 P WG Motion Move to authorize the P WG Chair to make a motion to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for conditional approval to forward the IEEE a Draft to the IEEE-SA RevCom Move: Yoshihiro Ohba Second: Anthony Chan For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion passes Nov ember 2011 Subir Das, Chair, IEEE
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Slide 6 P WG Motion Move to authorize the P WG Chair to make a motion to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for conditional approval to forward the IEEE b Draft to the IEEE-SA RevCom Move: Antonio de la Oliva Second: Lily Chen For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion passes November 2011 Subir Das, Chair, IEEE
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Teleconferences SB BRC Teleconferences: –IEEE a: Dec 15 th and Dec 22 nd - 10:00 am, EST –IEEE b: c Teleconferences: –Dec 13th, 2011 – 22:00 EST –Jan 11 th, :00 EST Future Project Planning and 3GPP related discussion –Will be announced later on November 2011 Subir Das, Chair, IEEE Slide 7
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Future Sessions Subir Das, Chair, IEEE November 2011Slide 8
WG_Session_46_Closing_Plenary_report Future Sessions – 2012 Interim: January 2012, Jacksonville, Florida, US –Co-located with all 802 wireless groups Plenary: March 2012, Big Island, Hawaii –Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: May 2012 (Target), TBD –Co-located with or with other wireless groups (possibility) Plenary: July 2012, Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA –Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: September (Target) 2012, TBD –Co-located with or with other wireless groups (possibility) Plenary: Nov 2012, Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX –Co-located with all 802 groups Slide 9 Subir Das, Chair WG