-The United States of America is a big country situated in the north of the American continent. - WHAT ABOUT BORDERS?
South East west
Political system The Usa is a USA is a Federal Constitutional Republic of 50 states: 48 of them are between Mexico and Canada; Alaska is north-west of Canada, opposite Russia. Hawaii is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. The capital of the U.S. Confederation is Washington D.C., on the river Potomac.
THE AMERICAN PEOPLE With an area of over 9 million sq. Km, the USA is the third largest country in the world. Its population is formed by a mix of many different populations speaking various languages as their mother-tongue and English as official language. The U.S. multicultural society offers a model of racial integration MELTING POT SOCIETY OTHER LANGUAGES SPANISH SPEAKING PEOPLE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE
Mountains and plains
THE GREAT PLAINS It’s a large prairie in the Midwest between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi river This fertile area is where most of the USA agricultural products are grown,particularly corn, wheat, soybean and sunflowers WHEAT CORN SOYBEAN SUNFLOWER
The land of Indians TODAY m/watch?v=dq0Joi1ELps &feature=related m/watch?v=dq0Joi1ELps &feature=related
POVERTY alchoolism unemployment suicideviolence
The Mississippi River is the largest river system in North America. About 3,730 km long, its source is in the Lake Itasca, Minnesota. It goes slowly southwards to New Orleans, where it flows to the Gulf of Mexico. Its major tributary is the Missouri River; other important left tributaries are- the St. Croix River, the Illinois River, Rock River, the Tennessee River, the Ohio River; right tributaries are the Minnesota River, the Missouri River, the White River, the Arkansas River, the Red River The river drains all or parts of 31 Us states stretching from the Rocky Mountains in the west to the Appalachian Mountains in the east to the Canada - US border on the north, including most of the Great Plains, and is the fourth longest river in the world.
The five Great Lakes 1. T he north- eastern area, on the border with Canada, is home to the five Great Lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario. 2. They’re the biggest group of fresh water in the world: together they cover an area of 244,ooo km₂ - Italy mainland, without Sardinia and Sicily- are approximately 250,000km₂! 3. The Niagara River links Lake Eire and Lake Ontario, forming the spectacular Niagara Falls on his way
watch?v=UK56kAws5zU &feature=related
1. Cornmais 2. cattle meat Bovini da carne 3. Cow's milk, whole, fresh Latte vaccino intero fresco 4. Chicken meatpollame 5. soybeanssoia 6. P ig meat Carne di maiale 7. Wheatgrano 8. Cotton lint Garza di cotone 9. Hen eggs Uova di gallina 10. Turkey meat Carne di tacchino ers;location:US;year: tomatoespomodori 12. Potatoespatate 13. Grapesuva 14. Orangesaranci 15. Rice paddyriso 16. Applesmele 17. Sorghumsorgo 18. Lettucelattuga 19. Cotton seed Semi di cotone 20. Sugar beetsbarbabietole
USA ECONOMY MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Aircraft, Chemicals, Computers, Electronics, Fishing, Forestry, food processing Iron and Steel, Motor Vehicles, Mining, Paper, Telecommunication Equipment, Textiles. MAIN EXPORTS : Aircraft, Cereals, Chemicals, Coal, Electrical and Electronic Goods, Fruit and Vegetables, Instruments, Machinery, Motor Vehicles, Petroleum Products, Soya Beans, Small Metal Manufactures, Textiles, Tobacco.