Roman Empire 1200 B.C. to 480 A.D.
A. Beginning of an Empire 1. First settlement made in Italy a. Between 1200 B.C. and 750 B.C. 2. Romulus and Remus a. Believed to be 753 B.C. 3. Rule of Romulus 753 – 716 B.C. a. Ancient Cities found dating to 750 B.C.
A. Beginnings of an Empire B.C. - Numa Pompilius B.C. - Tullius Hostilius B.C. - Ancus Marcius B.C. - Tarquinius Priscus - Potty a. builds the Cloaca Maxima, the first sewer B.C. - Servius Tullius - Safety a. builds city walls
Terms and Important People Republic Patrician Plebeian Tribune Consul Senate Dictator Legion Punic Wars Hannibal
B. Roman Government 1. Republic Definition - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. 2. Patricians a. Wealthy land owners, control 3. Plebeians a. Common people, population b. Tribunes – Assembly who protected unfair acts Consul a.
B. Roman Government (cont’d) 4. Twelve Tables a. Written Laws b. “All Citizens has a right to protection of the law” c. Problems 1. Laws not written down leads to different interpretation 2. Plebeians treated unfairly
B. Roman Government (cont’d) 5. Roman Republic a. Executive – 2 leaders elected for 1 year 1. Leader of government and army b. Legislative 1. Senate members for life a. Money, Foreign policy 2. Centuriate – All solider citizens for life a. Select leaders, make laws 3. Tribal – All other citizens for life a. Elects tribune members, local laws
B. Roman Government (cont’d) 5. Roman Republic (cont’d) c. Judicial – 8 judges for 1 year 1. Elected by Centuriate Assembly 2. 2 each oversee criminal and civil courts 3. 6 other oversee providences d. Legal Code Tables e. Citizens 1. Adult Landowning Males
B. Roman Government (cont’d) 6. Compared to the United States a. Executive______________________ b. Legislative_____________________ c. Judicial_______________________ d. Legal Code____________________ e. Citizenship____________________
C. Roman Grows to an Empire B.C. – Rome conquered all of Italy 2. Trade a. Wine and Olive oil from Rome for food, raw materials and manufactured good from others 3. War – Punic Wars a. Carthage – 264 to 146 B.C. – 3 wars years – Sicily and western lands - Won 2. 2 years – Hannibal – Lost 3. 3 years - Won
D. Roman Empire & Rise of Caesar 1. Republic Collapses – Punic wars, people 2. Rise of Julius Caesar (60 B.C.) a. Allies with Crassus and Pompey 3. Named himself governor B.C. Named himself dictator for life
E. Caesar’s Rule 1. Reforms a. Citizenship to all people in conquered lands b. Added people to the Senate c. Created Jobs d. Pay for soldiers 2. Political Influence a. Wealthy did not like that he helped the common b. Brutus and Cassius plotted his death c. March 15 th 44b.c. he was murdered
F. Octavian or “Augustus” 1. Caesar’s grandnephew and adopted son 2. Banded together with Mark Anthony a. 43 B.C. – Ruled the country as a team b. Jealously and Anthony and Cleopatra 3. War with Anthony in 31 B.C. a. Octavian won 4. Octavian became the sole ruler 27 B.C.
G. Empire under Augustus 1. Rule 27 B.C. – 14 A.D 2. 3 million square miles (Expanded) a. 60 – 80 million people 3. Most stable and progressive ruler a. “Pax Romana” or Roman Peace
H. Major Rulers of Rome 1. Caligula - 37 – 41 A.D. a. Mentally disturbed from disease 2. Claudius – 41 – 54 A.D. a. Surprised all by being a great ruler 3. Nero - 54 A.D. – 68 A.D. a. Good Administrator of government b. Murdered all that opposed him 1. Including his mother
I. High Point Emperors a. Nerva 96 – 98 A.D. b. Trajan 98 – 117 A.D. c. Hadrian 117 – 138 A.D. d. Antoninus Pius 138 – 161 A.D. e. Marcus Aurelias 161 – 180 A.D.
J. Decline and Fall A.D. began the decline a. Inflation b. Mercenaries 2. Reason for Fall – 476 A.D. a. Political b. Social c. Economic d. Military e. Invasion