A quick glance This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Summary Poems from: António Gedeão “A lecture on Water” and “Black Woman’s tears” Manuel Alegre “Blue tears” Mariana Correia ( a student in ESAG) “Water” Portuguese Music : “Canção do Mar “ – Dulce Pontes
“ Lição sobre a água“ – “ A Lecture on Water” António Gedeão This liquid is called water. When pure it is odorless, tasteless and colourless. Reduced to steam, under tension and high temperature, it fires the pistons of engines, thus the term, steam-driven. This liquid is a potent solvent. With some exceptions, but generally, it dissolves with equal efficiency acids, bases and salts. It freezes at zero centigrade and boils at 100, under normal pressure. It was in this liquid one hot night of summer, under a viscous, white-camelia moon, that appeared the floating corpse of Ophelia with a lily in one hand.
I found a black woman Who was crying, I asked her a tear To analyze. I collected tears Carefully In a test tube Properly sterilized I watched it on one side, And the other front: It had an air drop Very transparent. I ordered the acids, Bases and salts; Drugs used In such cases. I rehearsed the cold I tried to fire, All times Gave me what is usual: No signs of black No trace of hate. Water (almost everything) And sodium chloride. “Lágrima de Preta” – “A black woman’s tear” António Gedeão
“Lágrimas Azuis” - “Blue Tears” Manuel Alegre Close your eyes they hurt me When I see them pain grows inside of me Grief made of salt and sea, its water Portugal blue pain By seeing them the pearls of salt of your eyes Are tears that I taste By seeing them I saw my people crying Portugal blue tears Close your eyes Paris moonlight is not big enough To hold that sorrow That flies in your eyes but it’s not a bird Or the wind or a flower. Just tears of salt, fruit of the Portuguese land Your eyes: tears of Portugal
“ Água”- “ Water” Mariana Correia The entire planet knows me And I’m recognized by my purity and abundance! Colourless, odorless, insipid, Molecule of hydrogen and oxygen. Mineral or natural, This is me in my original condition. I wander through seas, Oceans, rivers and lakes To the clouds I like to rise And on glaciers to remain.
Pollution is my enemy, It degrades my beauty and Destroys my purity Now my resources are scarce So if you take care of me I’ll never end!
S ONG OF T HE S EA - D ULCE P ONTES I went to dance on my little boat There in the cruel sea And the sea was roaring Telling me I went there to steal away The peerless light Of the beautiful look in your eyes Come to find out if the sea is right Come to see my heart dancing If I go dancing on my little boat I won’t go to the cruel sea Nor will I tell it where I went To smile, dance, dream, live… with you