ADORATION Deep love or worship I have so much adoration for my family that I would cross my heart, hope to cry, and stick a needle in my eye for them!
IRRITABLE Easily annoyed Sometimes my sister makes me so irritable I could explode! Also my friends can make me irritable to.
SENSITIVE Quick to detect or respond to change I am very sensitive to my friends emotions. An example would be if one of them ditched me or if I told them a true secret of mine and they laughed at me.
DEVOURING To take in quickly I was devouring the apple tart so I could get to school early. The apple tart was also my breakfast.
APPLAUDING To show approval or appreciation, usually by clapping. I went to one of Taylor Swift’s concerts. Once she was done singing her song I was applauding.
TRANSPORTED To carry from one place to another I went on an airplane and I transported my bags from my house to the airport and from the airport to Florida.
BEASTLY Acting very unpleasant A few times in the past I saw people being very beastly, mean, or unpleasant.
TOLERATE To allow or accept Sometimes I can tolerate my dog to go outside alone. The dog can’t tolerate a cat in the house.