West Monmouth School English Department
Units of Work Units of Work
In the English Department, all pupils follow the same units of work at the same time in order to create consistency across the whole school year. Teachers will differentiate for different abilities and include any individual ideas they might have.
Year 7 Personal Writing – Roald Dahl’s ‘Boy’Personal Writing – Roald Dahl’s ‘Boy’ Narrative WritingNarrative Writing Horror and Science FictionHorror and Science Fiction Writing to Persuade, Argue and AdviseWriting to Persuade, Argue and Advise Writing to Inform, Explain and DescribeWriting to Inform, Explain and Describe Shakespeare’s Time and LanguageShakespeare’s Time and Language PoetryPoetry
Year 8 Fiction – ‘Holes’ by Louis SacharFiction – ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar Writing to Persuade and Describe – PlacesWriting to Persuade and Describe – Places Writing to Inform and Explain – NewspapersWriting to Inform and Explain – Newspapers Writing To Imagine, Explore and Entertain - Polar ExpeditionWriting To Imagine, Explore and Entertain - Polar Expedition Wales ProjectWales Project
Year 9 Fiction – ‘Stone Cold’Fiction – ‘Stone Cold’ Narrative WritingNarrative Writing Play – ‘Romeo and Juliet’Play – ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Describing people and placesDescribing people and places Multicultural PoetryMulticultural Poetry Fiction – ‘Of Mice and Men’Fiction – ‘Of Mice and Men’
Core Tasks All pupils in Years 7,8,9 are assessed every term using ‘Core Tasks’. Core tasks assess Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. Results are used for movement between classes and to report back to parents.
GCSE – Years 10 and 11 At GCSE level we follow the WJEC syllabus. All groups will study for English Language and top sets will also study English Literature. For very low ability, we also offer the chance to sit the Entry Level exam as a basic qualification.
The GCSE English Language course comprises of: 20% Written Coursework20% Written Coursework 20% Speaking and Listening20% Speaking and Listening 60% Exams (two papers both based on reading and writing)60% Exams (two papers both based on reading and writing)
The GCSE English Literature course consists of: 30% Written Coursework30% Written Coursework 60% Exam (based on a novel, a play and an unseen poem)60% Exam (based on a novel, a play and an unseen poem)
Extra Curricular Activities
Reading Club Reading Club
Mentoring A mentoring scheme is run for Year 11 pupils who need extra help with GCSE.
Theatre Trips ‘An Inspector Calls’ ‘Romeo and Juliet’ ‘Blood Brothers’ ‘A Christmas Carol’
Public Speaking Competition Every year, we enter a team into the ‘Rotary Youth Speaks’ public speaking competition. We have been very successful: Regional Finalists three timesRegional Finalists three times Regional WinnersRegional Winners Regional Runners up twiceRegional Runners up twice Welsh FinalistsWelsh Finalists
Poets of Pontypool Poetry Competition. Every year we offer the opportunity to all of our pupils to enter this competition. In 2006 a Year 11 pupil, Sam Peterson won first place and last year two year 7 girls were finalists.
Thank you! We hope we have given you some idea about what our department has to offer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.