Anomalous transport in parity-breaking Weyl semimetals Pavel Buividovich (Regensburg) CRC 634 Concluding Conference Darmstadt, 8-12 June 2015
Weyl semimetals: “3D graphene” and more Weyl points survive ChSB!!!
Simplest model of Weyl semimetals Dirac Hamiltonian with time-reversal/parity-breaking terms Breaks time-reversal Breaks parity A lot of intuition from HEP, only recent experiments Well-studied by now: Fermi arcs, AHE, Berry flux…
Topological stability of Weyl points Weyl Hamiltonian in momentum space Full set of operators for 2x2 hamiltonian Perturbations = just shift of the Weyl point Weyl point are topologically stable Berry Flux!!! Only “annihilate” with Weyl point of another chirality
Anomalous transport: Hydrodynamics Classical conservation laws for chiral fermions Energy and momentum Angular momentum Electric charge No. of left-handed Axial charge No. of right-handed Hydrodynamics: Conservation laws Constitutive relations Axial charge violates parity New parity-violating transport coefficients
Anomalous transport: CME, CSE, CVE Chiral Magnetic Effect [Kharzeev, Warringa, Fukushima] Chiral Separation Effect [Son, Zhitnitsky] Chiral Vortical Effect [Erdmenger et al., Teryaev, Banerjee et al.] Flow vorticity Origin in quantum anomaly!!!
Chiral Magnetic Effect ??? Lowest Landau level = 1D Weyl fermion Excess of right-moving particles Excess of left-moving anti-particles Directed current along magnetic field Not surprising – we’ve broken parity
Signatures of CME in cond-mat
Negative magnetoresistivity Enhancement of electric conductivity along magnetic field Intuitive explanation: no backscattering for 1D Weyl fermions
Chirality pumping and magnetoresistivity Relaxation time approximation: OR: photons with circular polarization Chiral magnetic wave
Negative magnetoresistivity Experimental signature of axial anomaly, Bi1-xSbx , T ~ 4 K
Negative magnetoresistivity [ArXiv:1412.6543] ]
Negative magnetoresistivity from lattice QCD NMR in strongly coupled confined phase!!!
Non-renormalization of CME: hydrodynamical argument Let’s try to incorporate Quantum Anomaly into Classical Hydrodynamics Now require positivity of entropy production… BUT: anomaly term can lead to any sign of dS/dt!!! Strong constraints on parity-violating transport coefficients [Son, Surowka ‘ 2009] Non-dissipativity of anomalous transport [Banerjee,Jensen,Landsteiner’2012]
= CME and axial anomaly Expand current-current correlators in μA: VVA correlators in some special kinematics!!! = The only scale is µ k3 >> µ !!!
General decomposition of VVA correlator 4 independent form-factors Only wL is constrained by axial WIs [M. Knecht et al., hep-ph/0311100]
Anomalous correlators vs VVA correlator CME: p = (0,0,0,k3), q=(0,0,0,-k3), µ=1, ν=2, ρ=0 IR SINGULARITY Regularization: p = k + ε/2, q = -k+ε/2 ε – “momentum” of chiral chemical potential Time-dependent chemical potential: No ground state!!!
Anomalous correlators vs VVA correlator Spatially modulated chiral chemical potential By virtue of Bose symmetry, only w(+)(k2,k2,0) Transverse form-factor Not fixed by the anomaly [PB 1312.1843]
CME and axial anomaly (continued) In addition to anomaly non-renormalization, new (perturbative!!!) non-renormalization theorems [M. Knecht et al., hep-ph/0311100] [A. Vainstein, hep-ph/0212231]: Valid only for massless fermions!!
CME and axial anomaly (continued) Special limit: p2=q2 Six equations for four unknowns… Solution: Might be subject to corrections due to ChSB!!!
CME and inter-fermion interactions Sources of corrections to CME in WSM: Spontaneous chiral symmetry Breaking Hydrodynamic/Kinetic arguments invalid with Goldstones! First principle check with Overlap fermions [PB,Kochetkov, in progress] Radiative QED corrections [Miransky,Jensen, Kovtun,Gursoy 2014-2015]
Effect of interaction: exact chiral symmetry Continuum Dirac, cutoff regularization, on-site interactions V [P. B., 1408.4573]
Effect of interactions on CME: Wilson-Dirac lattice fermions Enhancement of CME due to renormalization of µA [PB,Puhr,Valgushev,1505. 04582]
Instability of chiral plasmas μA, QA- not “canonical” charge/chemical potential Electromagnetic instability of μA [Fröhlich 2000] [Ooguri,Oshikawa’12] [Akamatsu,Yamamoto’13] […] Chiral kinetic theory (see below) Classical EM field Linear response theory Unstable EM field mode μA => magnetic helicity Novel type of “inverse cascade” [1504.04854]
Instability of chiral plasmas – simple estimate Maxwell equations + ohmic conductivity + CME Energy conservation Plain wave solution Dispersion relation Unstable solutions at large k !!!
Real-time simulations: classical statistical field theory approach [Son’93, J. Berges and collaborators] Full quantum dynamics of fermions Classical dynamics of electromagnetic fields Backreaction from fermions onto EM fields Approximation validity same as kinetic theory First nontrivial order of expansion in ђ
Real-time simulations of chirality pumping [P.B., M.Ulybyshev’15] Wilson-Dirac fermions with zero bare mass as a lattice model of WSM Fermi velocity still ~1 (vF << 1 in progress) Dynamics of fermions is exact, full mode summation (no stochastic estimators) Technically: ~ 60 Gb / (16x16x32 lattice), MPI External magnetic field from external source (rather than initial conditions ) Anomaly reproduced up to ~5% error Energy conservation up to ~2-5%
Results from classical statistical field theory
Results from classical statistical field theory
Initial quantum fluctuations included
Initial quantum fluctuations included
Initial quantum fluctuations included
Conclusions Parity-breaking WSM: dynamical equilibrium Anomalous transport phenomena: CME, CVE “Non-dissipative” ground-state transport CME protected by anomaly Nontrivial corrections from: symmetry breaking radiative QED corrections BUT: quite small for lattice models Real-time instability of parity-breaking WSM Backreaction speeds up chirality decay
This work was done with Maksim Ulybyshev Semen Valgushev Matthias Puhr
Back-up slides
Weyl semimetals: realizations Pyrochlore Iridates [Wan et al.’2010] Strong SO coupling (f-element) Magnetic ordering Stack of TI’s/OI’s [Burkov,Balents’2011] Surface states of TI Spin splitting Tunneling amplitudes Iridium: Rarest/strongest elements Consumption on earth: 3t/year Magnetic doping/TR breaking essential
Weyl semimetals with μA How to split energies of Weyl nodes? [Halasz,Balents ’2012] Stack of TI’s/OI’s Break inversion by voltage Or break both T/P Electromagnetic instability of μA [Akamatsu,Yamamoto’13] Chiral kinetic theory (see below) Classical EM field Linear response theory Unstable EM field mode μA => magnetic helicity
Lattice model of WSM Take simplest model of TIs: Wilson-Dirac fermions Model magnetic doping/parity breaking terms by local terms in the Hamiltonian Hypercubic symmetry broken by b Vacuum energy is decreased for both b and μA
Weyl semimetals: no sign problem! Wilson-Dirac with chiral chemical potential: No chiral symmetry No unique way to introduce μA Save as many symmetries as possible [Yamamoto‘10] Counting Zitterbewegung, not worldline wrapping
Weyl semimetals+μA : no sign problem! One flavor of Wilson-Dirac fermions Instantaneous interactions (relevant for condmat) Time-reversal invariance: no magnetic interactions Kramers degeneracy in spectrum: Complex conjugate pairs Paired real eigenvalues External magnetic field causes sign problem! Determinant is always positive!!! Chiral chemical potential: still T-invariance!!! Simulations possible with Rational HMC
Weyl points as monopoles in momentum space Free Weyl Hamiltonian: Unitary matrix of eigenstates: Associated non-Abelian gauge field:
Weyl points as monopoles in momentum space Classical regime: neglect spin flips = off-diagonal terms in ak Classical action (ap)11 looks like a field of Abelian monopole in momentum space Berry flux Topological invariant!!! Fermion doubling theorem: In compact Brillouin zone only pairs of monopole/anti-monopole
Fermi arcs [Wan,Turner,Vishwanath,Savrasov’2010] What are surface states of a Weyl semimetal? Boundary Brillouin zone Projection of the Dirac point kx(θ), ky(θ) – curve in BBZ 2D Bloch Hamiltonian Toric BZ Chern-Symons = total number of Weyl points inside the cylinder h(θ, kz) is a topological Chern insulator Zero boundary mode at some θ
Why anomalous transport? Collective motion of chiral fermions High-energy physics: Quark-gluon plasma Hadronic matter Leptons/neutrinos in Early Universe Condensed matter physics: Weyl semimetals Topological insulators
Why anomalous transport on the lattice? 1) Weyl semimetals/Top.insulators are crystals 2) Lattice is the only practical non-perturbative regularization of gauge theories First, let’s consider axial anomaly on the lattice
Warm-up: Dirac fermions in D=1+1 Dimension of Weyl representation: 1 Dimension of Dirac representation: 2 Just one “Pauli matrix” = 1 Weyl Hamiltonian in D=1+1 Three Dirac matrices: Dirac Hamiltonian:
Warm-up: anomaly in D=1+1
Axial anomaly on the lattice = non-conservation of Weyl fermion number BUT: number of states is fixed on the lattice???
Anomaly on the (1+1)D lattice 1D minimally doubled fermions DOUBLERS Even number of Weyl points in the BZ Sum of “chiralities” = 0 1D version of Fermion Doubling
Anomaly on the (1+1)D lattice Let’s try “real” two-component fermions Two chiral “Dirac” fermions Anomaly cancels between doublers Try to remove the doublers by additional terms
Anomaly on the (1+1)D lattice (1+1)D Wilson fermions In A) and B): In C) and D): A) B) C) D) B) Maximal mixing of chirality at BZ boundaries!!! Now anomaly comes from the Wilson term + All kinds of nasty renormalizations… A) B) D) C)
Now, finally, transport: “CME” in D=1+1 Excess of right-moving particles Excess of left-moving anti-particles Directed current Not surprising – we’ve broken parity Effect relevant for nanotubes
“CME” in D=1+1 Fixed cutoff regularization: Shift of integration variable: ZERO UV regularization ambiguity
Dimensional reduction: 2D axial anomaly Polarization tensor in 2D: Proper regularization (vector current conserved): [Chen,hep-th/9902199] Final answer: Value at k0=0, k3=0: NOT DEFINED (without IR regulator) First k3 → 0, then k0 → 0 Otherwise zero
Directed axial current, separation of chirality “CSE” in D=1+1 μA μA Excess of right-moving particles Excess of left-moving particles Directed axial current, separation of chirality Effect relevant for nanotubes
Energy flux = momentum density “AME” or “CVE” for D=1+1 Single (1+1)D Weyl fermion at finite temperature T Energy flux = momentum density (1+1)D Weyl fermions, thermally excited states: constant energy flux/momentum density
Going to higher dimensions: Landau levels for Weyl fermions
Going to higher dimensions: Landau levels for Weyl fermions Finite volume: Degeneracy of every level = magnetic flux Additional operators [Wiese,Al-Hasimi, 0807.0630]
LLL, the Lowest Landau Level Lowest Landau level = 1D Weyl fermion
Anomaly in (3+1)D from (1+1)D Parallel uniform electric and magnetic fields The anomaly comes only from LLL Higher Landau Levels do not contribute
Anomaly on (3+1)D lattice Nielsen-Ninomiya picture: Minimally doubled fermions Two Dirac cones in the Brillouin zone For Wilson-Dirac, anomaly again stems from Wilson terms VALLEYTRONICS
Anomalous transport in (3+1)D from (1+1)D CME, Dirac fermions CSE, Dirac fermions “AME”, Weyl fermions
Chiral kinetic theory [Stephanov,Son] Classical action and equations of motion with gauge fields More consistent is the Wigner formalism Streaming equations in phase space Anomaly = injection of particles at zero momentum (level crossing)
CME and CSE in linear response theory Anomalous current-current correlators: Chiral Separation and Chiral Magnetic Conductivities:
Chiral symmetry breaking in WSM Mean-field free energy Partition function For ChSB (Dirac fermions) Unitary transformation of SP Hamiltonian Vacuum energy and Hubbard action are not changed b = spatially rotating condensate = space-dependent θ angle Funny Goldstones!!!
Electromagnetic response of WSM Anomaly: chiral rotation has nonzero Jacobian in E and B Additional term in the action Spatial shift of Weyl points: Anomalous Hall Effect: Energy shift of Weyl points But: WHAT HAPPENS IN GROUND STATE (PERIODIC EUCLIDE???) Chiral magnetic effect In covariant form
Topological insulators Summary Graphene Nice and simple “standard tight-binding model” Many interesting specific questions Field-theoretic questions (almost) solved Topological insulators Many complicated tight-binding models Reduce to several typical examples Topological classification and universality of boundary states Stability w.r.t. interactions? Topological Mott insulators? Weyl semimetals Many complicated tight-binding models, “physics of dirt” Simple models capture the essence Non-dissipative anomalous transport Exotic boundary states Topological protection of Weyl points