Introduction * I have had over ten years experience teaching middle school humanities in both Washington and California. *This is my third year at Maywood Middle. *I have a daughter going into 8 th grade and 6 th grade this year in the Issaquah School District. *Our team focus this year will be integration of the newly adopted Common Core Standards.
Welcome to Curriculum Night Mrs. Redmon Language Arts/Reading/History
How to Help Your Child Transition to Middle School Communication Planner Connect Site- Check for documents handed out, when absent, homework assignments on calendar Skyward Online Grading System- Check your student’s grades once a week on a consistent basis- Teach them to manage their grades and contact me to advocate for themselves Consistent Items- Social Studies Study Guides for tests, portfolios, projects, notebook
Course Content: Social Studies-7 History Alive: The Medieval World and Beyond Geography integrated throughout the year Fall of Rome Europe During Medieval Times: The Rise of Feudalism, Daily Life, Decline of Feudalism Islam in Medieval Times: Origins of Islam, world religions, Crusades Imperial China Japan During Medieval Times History of Washington Projects/Portfolios/Notebooks Writing across curriculum
Behavior Expectations We Agree on These Three! – 1. Show Respect – 2. Make Good Choices – 3. Solve the Problem Incentives/Rewards Charger 100 Charger Gold Raffles Positive Words Student Recognition Leadership opportunities
How Do I Access Skyward? ISD Website Eduwww.issaquah.wednet Click on Family Access Click on Login to Family Access.
How Do I Interpret Skyward? Pts. Earned Pts. Possible % EarnedGrade Spec. Code MissingWhat does this mean? *10 The assignment has been entered in the grade book, but the teacher has not graded it. 0100%FMS The student has a missing assignment %A- The student turned in the assignment on time and received an A %C-LT The student turned in their work late. It was graded and points were deducted for turning it in late. 0100%FABS The student was absent and needs to make up the work before a grade can be assigned. *10 EX The student has been excused from the assignment.
Grading Categories Social Studies: Assignments35% Assessments65% Formative 0% This category is used to track assignments for portfolios and student growth scores, ie pre-tests
Grading Activities/assignments will be given point values according to importance. Final grades will be determined by the percentage of points earned. Digital Gradebook (Skyward) is used to calculate grades. Rubrics/grade sheets are used for all major assignments and are given out before the assignment is due. Expectations are clear. Use Family Access to access student grades. Up-dated every 3 weeks. 3 Homework passes available each trimester-Can not be used on big projects. Parent or phone call if emergency extension is needed. No late work is accepted unless a homework pass is used or you have discussed other arrangements with me BEFORE the assignment is due. Please have the student talk to me or me if there are questions about grades or assignments. Save major project rubrics/grade sheets in case of a discrepancy.
Other Ways To Help Designate homework space - (Quiet area, few distractions) Designate homework time – Discuss your family’s schedule and make a plan together with your middle schooler. Set realistic goals – Homework completion, organized binder/backpack, meeting deadlines, etc. Check Skyward once a week with your student to help manage grades!!! Teach time management – Before your child begins an assignment, ask them how long they think it will take. Set a timer and they’ll soon find out how accurate (or inaccurate) their prediction was. You’re not being mean, you’re giving them a better sense of how long things take for them to complete. Prohibit multi-tasking – No Facebook, cell phone, television, or gaming while doing homework. Give positive reinforcements – This does wonders for perseverance and intrinsic motivation. Reinforce why learning is important – It’s all about options. If you fail classes, you’re limiting your options for life; but if you set goals and work to achieve them, you only increase your options and opportunities.
How to Contact Me - remon- Phone Available after school to help students and meet with parents 2:15-3:30 on Tuesdays or by appointment.
Thank You Being here tonight is one of the best things you could do for you child. Your support is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Contact me any time, your concerns are my concerns.
Course Content: Language Arts-6 Review of 6 Writing Traits McDougal Littell Literature-Reading and Writing Introduction to essay: explanatory/argumentative/memoir/narrative/research writing Knowledge Checks-Yearlong objectives Grammar/punctuation practice Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: Word Families The Giver Utilize Writing Workshop practices Beginning literary analysis Reading Logs Technology integration