Mgr. Václav Víška, Ph.D. Faculty of Education Department of Czech Language and Literature University of Hradec Králové Czech Republic
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Czech Republic Popisek obrázku
Czech Republic – the symbols Parts: Bohemia Moravia Silesia
Czech Republic – the typical Czech glass Czech Garnet (jewel) Czech beer Czech cars Czech Pianos Czech boots – Baťa
Hradec Králové
University of Hradec Králové Faculty of Education Faculty of Arts Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics and Management The Institute of Social Work
University of Hradec Králové Departments and Institutes at the Faculty of Education Department of Music Department of English Language and Literature Section of French Language and Literature Department of Czech Language and Literature Department of Cultural and Religious Studies Department of German Language and Literature Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Slavonic Studies Department of Social Pathology and Sociology Department of Social Pedagogy Department of Special Pedagogy Department of Technical Education Department of Physical Education and Sports Department of Art, Visual Culture and Textile Studies Institute for Primary and Peprimary Education
How we teach the mother tongue language
Educational system Czech educational system Pre-primary education Primary education Secondary education Terciary education
Nursery school What we teach? Articulation and vocabulary (only a game) Description and narration Rhymes Songs MY KITE My kite is white, My kite is light, My kite is in the sky. Now left, now right, You see the kite, You see it, you and I.
Primary schools The course is divided into five parts: -The reading– two methods a) analythic-syntethic method (má – ma) b) global method (máma) -The writting– teaching letters (words, sentences, texts) -The grammar Morphology, lexicology, syntax, phonetics writing and reading -The style – decription, narration, communication -The literature – intentional literature (in the higher grades is added the basic non-intentional literature) Last years – bad results in literacy tests work with the texts (questiones, describing…)
Secondary schools The course is divided into three parts: -Literature – czech, world (on grammar schools less known too) -Grammar – revision (in this lessons we teach some linguistic issues) -Style – all types of styles (stylistic formations) journalistic style (news report) colloquial style administrative style (questionnaire) professional style (technical therms, syntax construction) artistic style (methaphors) The forms: narration, decription, characteristic, essay, report etc.
Secondary schools
Teaching – Czech Language
Practical Eventuality I would like to show some practical eventualities to diversify or revitalize, and innovate the mother tongue teaching at primary school. In connection with the reform in the Czech educational system which is actual in the last few years, there are several significant key moments. There is a connection with the fact, that the curriculum is not the main in Czech school conditions. Curriculum as stone base, curriculum as a tradition which we must never forget, curriculum as a subject from which everything comes.
Ho we can to do? Especially by facilitating the pupil teaching. There is enormous power in teaching methods and organizational forms. There is a need for teachers in the modern school, which already we are talking about the reformed, to use so-called activating teaching methods.
Which are they? Basic groups of activating teaching methods are: discussion methods situational methods staging methods educational games projects
My Collage Let's now to show one example of some types of activating teaching methods. For example, in Education and Communication Essay in the primary school pupils learn to perceive and understand different linguistic communication, and also to create them.
My Collage The pupils task is to process information about themself, and ultimately to present these information through some form. Procedure: On the board, or other visible place each pupil record one negative and one positive human traits. Picture Picture Each pupil chooses and writes the five properties that characterize himself. Each pupil traces the outline of his hand on the paper and fill in properties of the fingers. Between the fingers enter the pupil activities which he is like doing.
My Collage If I was an animal, I would like to be... because If I was a color, I would like to be... because... If I was another person, I would like to be.. Because If I was a musical instrument, I would like to be..., because... In another exercise, entitled my advertisement, the pupil has to write in connection with the preceding paragraphs advertisement about himself.
My Collage Finally the presentation -visual and verbal is followed.
Didactical games Focus: creativity, specifications Rules: The pupils write their name. They think about individual letters of the name. On each letter students will create a character that characterizes the name holder. Example: Sam S – serious A – active M - madcap
Didactical games Make a world Focus: creativity, vocabulary development Rules: The teacher will write ten letters on the black board. The pupils must make the greatest number of words (only from this letters). A C T I E P M O K R
Didactical games Make a sentence Focus: creativity, syntax Rules: The teacher will write ten words on the black board. The pupils must make the greatest number of sentences (only from this words). hand, my, write, give, five, phone, look, school, yesterday, home
Summary There are new organizational forms and teaching methods used in Czech schools. Many of Czech language teachers included a number of educational games in their lessons. Teachers have great amount of creative ideas which they do not use only as a motivational tool but it is an important educational tool for them as well. Creativity and progress in the use interesting teaching methods in the mother tongue teaching do not mean only good motivation of pupils. Activating teaching methods can be used as methods of education.
What is new and why? Evaluation is not only black/white. Evaluation can be a feedback. Evaluating Applying Understanding Remembering
Pendleton rules. What went well? What could you do differently?
Pendleton rules
How to do it? Effective Feedback is one of the most powerful and evidence based tools in effective learning & teaching for practice
Summary Selection of appropriate methods Evaluation approaches to improve Definitely I not see everything established as bad.
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