Revision: YOUR exam success will depend on the effort YOU put in!
Exams Are an opportunity for you to show us how much you know and what you can do. Help your teachers by highlighting future areas to work on. Provide examination technique practice. Are only one part of the assessment activities which you do.
When are your exams? Year 6: English, Maths & Science in November (week11), all academic subjects in June. Year 7: all academic subjects in February & June. Year 8: all academic subjects in November (week 11), February & June.
Revision What to revise How to revise
What to revise Each subject will provide a revision sheet. This will explain: Topics and skills the exam is testing Where to find the information The format of the exam
How to revise DO some revision, you can’t just ‘absorb’ the information! Pick out key facts Check your recall with flash cards, quizzes, tests, essay plans Use random reminders Find your strength (look/hear/do)
What sort of learner are you What sort of learner are you? Find out with a quick test at VISUAL : you are good at spelling, you need quiet study time, you like colours & fashion, you dream in colour, you understand/like charts, diagrams and mind maps. AUDITORY: you like to read out loud, you’re not afraid to speak in class, you like presenting to the class and are good at explaining. You enjoy music, you are good at grammar and foreign languages, you read slowly, you follow spoken directions well, you can’t keep quiet for long periods and work well in study groups. KINESTHETIC: you are good at sports, you can’t sit still for long, you are fidgety during lessons and are not great at spelling or handwriting. You study with loud music on, you like adventure books, movies and role playing. You build models and are involved in martial arts, dance.
Revision activities V A K Likes to picture work in head. VISUAL Likes to picture work in head. Mind maps Coloured notes and plans Pictures Flash cards Watch subject DVDs and website video clips A AUDITORY Likes to use words, hearing, reading and saying out loud work. Record notes Read notes out loud Use word association Make up songs and rhymes Talk through work in groups Make up your own lecture / presentation K KINESTHETIC Likes to learn by doing things Make & use things to help you learn (battle cards / flash cards) Role play – act things out Memory games Create lessons to teach others Work in short blocks Create multiple answer and fill in tests Use interactive websites
Skills Look back at examples of classwork Check with teacher Practice papers
Preparation Don’t just practise until you get it right. Practise until you can’t get it wrong.
Where to revise
When to revise Start early before your brain gets tired. Weekend, mornings in the half term break After school: quick break and then start Lesson and homework opportunities During exam week
Get your parents involved Ask for help with finding suitable times / days to study Ask for help with revision kit: index cards, highlighters, folders Ask them to test you and show you they are proud when you work hard!
When revising… Break the session into manageable chunks with a short planned break between them and a small treat at the end.
Look for Active revision to suit you...
Supporting revision 1. Place: comfortable but without distractions. 2. Time: when brain isn’t too tired. 3. Duration: 25 minute slots, maximum of 4 slots in a row. 4. Precise task: at the end of this, I will know ‘avoir’. 5. Monitor: ask what’s being done & be shown the final result. 6. Reward: hard work = treat.
Final preparations Just before the exams: use the revision notes / aids you have created as a quick recap tool. Most pupils find the day before the exam is the best time for final preparations.
Don’t panic
After examinations Be positive - mistakes show the areas for improvement. Ask yourself what you did well. Do you know how to make it better next time? If not, ask your teacher for targets. Give yourself a rest! Listen carefully to feedback from your teachers.