Can we do exams? Yes we can! Exam preparation and digital resources Ushapa Fortescue Moscow, Russia October 2012
Introduction Professional Development 2 How we can prepare students for exams Underprepared Overwhelmed
Yes we can! Professional Development 3
Outline of the session… Professional Development 4 The problems students have with exams How we can help them over come some of these problems How to relax and empower students about exams Digital resources
Why students don’t do well Professional Development 5 in exams In small groups, brainstorm the: reasons why students don’t do well in exams Think of specifics. You have two minutes!
Reasons students don’t do Professional Development 6 well in exams Got too stressed in the exam and froze Got too stressed in the exam and froze Not enough revision or revised the wrong things Misread the question Missed answering part of the question Didn’t write/say enough Didn’t answer the question accurately Ran out of time in exam
Reasons students don’t do well Professional Development 7 in exams Preparation Exam performance
Reasons students don’t do well Professional Development 8 in exams Preparation Exam performance
The main reasons students do well in exams Professional Development 9 Prepared Confident
Simple logic Professional Development 10
Preparation Professional Development 11 Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
Make it manageable Professional Development 12 “There’s only one way to eat an elephant, one piece at a time”
Getting familiar with Professional Development 13 the exam
Practise makes perfect! Professional Development 14 Past papers
Professional Development 15
Answer the question! Professional Development 16 If the monkey wants a banana, give the monkey a banana!
Highlight the bananas! Professional Development 17 Reading Read the texts. Match the texts (A-E) with the statements (1-7). Each text can be used more than once. Write the line number where you can find evidence of the statement. Writing Write a formal letter of words applying for the job in the advert.
Professional Development 18
Speaking Professional Development 19 Fluency Accuracy Pronunciation/stress Variety of language (grammar accuracy) Confidence!
Solutions-speaking Professional Development 20
2 minute topics Professional Development 21 Holidays Films Talk about a restaurant you really liked Do you think that aliens exist? Family Music
Crib sheets Professional Development 22 Compare And Contrast Describe the picture For and against Adding more information On the other hand, In contrast too, Whereas, The first picture clearly shows…… In my opinion, It can be said, Another point is, Firstly, Secondly, In addition to this..
Writing Professional Development 23 Start Plan the answer End Check the answer
Reading Professional Development 24
Listening Professional Development 25
Relate it to them Professional Development 26
Helping with revision Professional Development 27 When? Where? How?
Revision tips Professional Development 28
Revise in a way that Professional Development 29 suits you
Revision techniques for Professional Development 30 visual learners use pictures make mind maps make big colourful posters colour code notes key words on “post-its”
Example mind map Professional Development 31
Revision techniques for Professional Development 32 auditory learners talk over the work with someone else tape notes and play them back listen to music while revising – no words make up rhymes or raps about work get someone to ask them questions about the work
Revision techniques for Professional Development 33 kinaesthetic learners notes on cards and sequence them walk between notes or “post-its” on the floor walk around while reading stand up – stretch or exercise – at least every 20 minutes draw pictures, mind maps – run a finger between the words on the map, say each one out loud
In the exam Professional Development 34
To sum up….. Professional Development 35 Identify why students fear exams Make everything “bite size” Give lots of practise Make lessons fun Build their confidence
Digital Resources Professional Development 36
It’s their world Professional Development 37
What’s available? Professional Development 38
itools Professional Development 39
Websites Professional Development 40
Professional Development 41
Professional Development 42 s
Professional Development 43
Professional Development 44
Professional Development 45
Professional Development 46
Apps for phones and iPads Professional Development 47 Graded readers Oxford Bookworms Dictionaries Course book Specific apps
Words app Professional Development 48 Look it up: Choose how you view words from Solutions 2nd edition: by unit, by topic, or as a dictionary. Over 1000 useful words included for each level. Define: Choose a word and tap on the screen to see the definition and word in context. Listen: Tap on the audio icon to hear the word spoken in English. Repeat and improve. Practise: Design and play our interactive quizzes: Test your knowledge of the meanings of words with our multiple choice quizzes Drag and drop words into contextual sentences to check how words are used
To sum up…….. Professional Development 49 Technology engages teenagers It changes the learning environment Students can access learning more conveniently Investigate what’s available Experiment with the new technology
Professional Development 50 Can we do exams? Yes we can! Thank you for your participation!