Jamestown: England’s First Colony In 1606, King James I of England granted a charter, or official permit, to the Virginia Company. In 1607, England’s first colony reached the coast of North America, and was named Jamestown in honor of King James I of England.
The “Starving Time” The first year is known as the Starving Time by the settlers. Nearly all of the colonists died of hunger and disease in the first year. By the winter of 1607 only 38 colonists remained.
Jamestown Revived The dying colony of Jamestown was revived by growing tobacco to meet the high demand in England. How did Jamestown meet the need for labor? From “America, The Story of US” om/watch?v=vpA5O46Io ykhttp:// om/watch?v=vpA5O46Io yk
Laborers in Jamestown To meet the need for labor, two systems were instituted: the headright system and indentured servitude African Laborers also worked in Virginia, as indentured servants in the beginning and then as slaves shortly after.
The Headright System The Headright System – each new arrival received 50 acres of land and 50 acres for each family member who migrated.
Indentured Servitude Indentured Servants – In echange for passage to North America, and food and shelter upon arrival, an indentured servant agreed to a term limit of servitude, usually 4- 7 years.
Clashes with Native Americans at Jamestown As the Jamestown Colony expanded, colonists engaged in warfare with the Native Americans of Virginia. Nathaniel Bacon, a frontiersmen, was very hostile to Native Americans. This led to Bacon’s Rebellion.
The House of Burgesses The first representative body in America. It first met in It included two citizens, or burgesses, from each of Virginia’s 11 districts. It initiated taxes and passed laws. The English governor could veto anything it passed.