Session 92: 1:1 Teacher Hacks: Preparing for the First Year of Implementation Dr. Gregory M. McGough @McGough3R
PP>TPPA Adapted from The Change Function -Pip Coburn Perceived Problem> Total Perceived Pain of Adoption “…it is real people and not technologists who determine the fate of technologies.” – Pip Coburn
Perceived Problem: “Technology will never replace teachers. However, teachers who know how to use technology effectively to help their students to connect and to collaborate together online will replace those who don’t.” Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach Harvested from:
Hack #1: “Laptops to 45° and phones upside down.”
Hack #2: Teach from the Back of the room.
Hack #3: Use the Remind app to stay connected safely to your students and parents.
Hack #4: Establish Evernotes to capture all that life has to offer.
Hack #5: Use Edmodo for Quizzes!
Hack #6: YouTube Channel Screencast important PowerPoints
Hack #7a: Google Drive Transparent Lesson Plans
Hack #7b: Google Drive “Mostly” Paperless Environment Standard Turn-in Title: 1.SML12_Smith_Vocab
Hack #8: Remember that mobiles are not laptops.
Hack #9: Establish a fixed strategy board.
Hack #10: Establish a strong LMS.
Hack #11: Participate in Global Humanitarianism
Hack #12: Build VCoP for Support
Hack #13: Create memes for classroom rules
New Technology Sandbox
Session Evaluation Pick One: Paper MSC App QR Code TM & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. 4/15/15
Session Handouts #ModelSchools
Dr. Gregg McGough (717)951.0511 @McGough3R