EMBL-EBI Adel Golovin MSDsite The project is funded by the European Commission as the TEMBLOR, contract-no. QLRI-CT under the RTD programme "Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources"
EMBL-EBI Many protein (and some nucleic acids) structures have evolved as a framework for an active site – where chemistry takes place. The active site is critical for the understanding the action of proteins and their role within the cell mechanism. The function, of these macromolecules can best be studied by detailed 3-dimensional knowledge of these active sites. Because the active site is a local 3D environment. Introduction
EMBL-EBI The 3D / 1D position that defines the protein function disparate amino acids on the 1D sequence A localized volume in 3D Where chemistry/binding happens. Ligand environment
EMBL-EBI The MSD site database contains local structural information around all the bound ligands within the PDB All proteins deposited to the PDB are checked for ligand(s). These are HETATM & non-protein/non-nucleic- acid/non-water residues. Interactions are stored within the DB The bound ligand coordinates & associated information The ligand environment (i.e. any residue that interacts) The interaction types between the ligand and environment. All sequences are checked for the registered ProSite patterns and matches are stored in the DB Fast algorithm for a pattern search is embedded into the DB MSD site database
EMBL-EBI Sites are defined as a ligand environment when a ligand is presented. Sequence motifs matching is applied for site definition independently from ligands. ProSite sites Catalytic sites atlas Merops active sites Site definitions
EMBL-EBI Covalent Bonds Coordinate bonds Hydrogen bonds Planes Non-bonding Electrostatics Di-Sulphide bonds Geometry (distance, angles..) PHE O N S ASPASP VALVAL Ligand environment analysis Site DB Structure DB Environment
EMBL-EBI Define search by ligand Define search by sequence motif (pattern) Define search by metal site geometry Define search by environment has same environment has similar environment Possible site searches
EMBL-EBI Structure Protein Ligand Define target: equal/like Filter by PDB header: equal/like Environment exact/sub set Search criteria Sequence motif Metal site geometry Search options
EMBL-EBI Statistics search Interactive Charts Ligand binding Environment binding Atomic bonds Sequence pattern binding
EMBL-EBI Search method Search front form Statistics search Result list Detail views
EMBL-EBI MSDsite interface Filters Query editor
EMBL-EBI HIS|SER:S/H>C2.0 HIS.NE2:S/S>C2.0 HIS.[N]/T>C2.0 Drawing Complex queries secondary structure Distance cut-offs Bond type Side/main chain Query generation
EMBL-EBI Search service aims Form a site search criteria Provide a hit list Visualize the found sites XML technology (xpath,..) to search an XML corresponding to a PDB entry from the hit list.
EMBL-EBI Example Pattern is defined as : HIS-any-HIS-GLU
EMBL-EBI Hit List Help
EMBL-EBI AstexViewer : Default PDB viewer: chemical/x-pdb. RasMol script viewer: application/x-rasmol. Hit List Visualization tools
EMBL-EBI Searched site visualization AstexViewer[tm] Groups menu
EMBL-EBI Goto Site details Hit List Link to Details Bound molecules form Sequence from Atomic bonds
EMBL-EBI Detail forms header Ligand binding statistics Links to the other views of the same PDB entry Switch on/off undefined bonds
EMBL-EBI Show site Sequence form search for PDB entries with the same hetero ID and similar environment
EMBL-EBI Bound molecules form Ligands that match a search creteria Environment statistics
EMBL-EBI Environment binding statistics Filters HIS HIS HIS Trnasformed to HIS>C HIS>C HIS>I
EMBL-EBI Bound molecules form Bonds details on atomic level
EMBL-EBI Atomic bonds view Atomic bonds statistics
EMBL-EBI Atomic bonds statistics
EMBL-EBI Detail forms header Ligand binding statistics
EMBL-EBI Ligand binding statistics Distribution type Filters
EMBL-EBI Ligand binding statistics – distribution by whole environment
EMBL-EBI Pattern binding statistics Pattern: H-x-H-E
EMBL-EBI 3D aligned views Superimposed by ligand Superimposed by environment Superimposed by pattern Superimposed by active site
EMBL-EBI 3D aligned views
EMBL-EBI 3D aligned views – EBI- AstexViewer[tm]
DB of active sites has been generated Application server has been developed The DB can be searched Based on properties of the ligand environment Based on properties of the ligand Based on properties of structure and sequence of the parent protein Summary
EMBL-EBI Data generated by data mining of common packing of chemical groups is being added. (Proteins S.F.G, 49: , T.J.Oldfield). This information contains about 2000 sites, 1/3 with ligands. Future sites