Diploma in Management The Project Please note: these slides are a summary of the Diploma in Management ”Project Handbook” 2007 University of Leicester School of Management
About the Project Final stage of the Diploma in Management 6000 (+/- 10%) word written report or extended essay on an area of your choice Can be broadly on any topic related to one or more of the subjects covered on the programme Submitted bound in hard copy form
Which Topic to Choose? Usually involves identifying and analysing a management problem, devising and evaluating solutions and producing realistic & acceptable recommendations for action But, it could also be a more theoretically focused piece of work which analyses in detail an issue of management thought
What makes a good project? Original Well written Critically informed Interesting Valuable Adds something
Three Stages to Writing the Project 1.Preparation & Planning Identifying a potential topic Assessing the feasibility of the project Formulating the research question (& sub questions) Reviewing the literature (and perhaps revising your research question based on this) Developing your research methodology 2.Doing the Research Collecting the data Analysing the data 3.Writing up your report
1. Preparation & Planning Select a project that is: Interesting to you and/or the organisation Relevant to your career plans Perhaps a hot topic in the media/academic literature Is it feasible in terms of: Timing, access to information, your own skills & interests Resources, legal/ethical
1. Preparation & Planning Formulating a research question – an example: ”Are there gender differences in the experience of work-life balance in Denmark?” Subquestions might be: To what extent is work-life balance an important issue for Danish men compared to Danish women? Do Danish men deal with work-life balance differently from Danish women? Do Danish men & women see work-life balance as a source of stress? It is important to make your research question as narrow & specific as possible – vague or over ambitious questions make for superficial projects that try to cover too much ground and never really ”get to the point”
1. Preparation & Planning Reviewing the literature will help you to: Refine your research question & objectives Place your project in context Develop a sound methodology
1. Preparation & Planning Information Sources It’s important your literature review is comprehensive & up-to-date Primary sources – theses, , meeting minutes, business & conference reports Secondary sources – Books, Journals, Newspapers, Internet etc. Tertiary sources – Indexes, abstracts, dictionaries, enclopediasr
1. Preparation & Planning Information Sources The most recognised in academic terms are books reporting research or journal articales but you can also use: Textbooks Reports (e.g. from Mintel) Conferance ppapers Student theses & dissertations Newspapers Radio/television
1. Preparation & Planning Developing the Research Methodology Research methods: Questionnaires Interviews Direct observation Case study I suggest you do some additional reading about research methodology
2. Doing the Research Collecting data – this can be extreamly time consuming – be realistic Analysing data – go back to your research question and focus on & identify the data that will assist you in reaching your conclusions
3. Writing up the Report It’s easy to underestimate how long this takes Keep accurate notes about your literature review – record all your references
Report Structure Title page Table of contents Acknowledgements Executive summary / abstract Introduction Main body of the report – often including separate chapters or sections for the literature review, methodology, results & analysis Conclusions & recommendations Reflections References Appendices
Executive Summary A ”shop window” for your project Should occupy no more than an A4 including: Introduction to the project Research questions Key findings from the literature review An overview of the methodology Summary of the results Key conclusions & recommendations
Introduction Sets the scene & may include: A statement of the topic issue or problem to be studied & the research question Any notable exclusions Relevant contextual information An overview of the literature review Brief details of data sources, data collection & analysis methods The importance of the work Any recognised limitations
Main Body of the Report Usually contains several chapters, sections or sub-sections (e.g. chapter 1, section 1.1 etc.) The main body may include the following chapters/subsections: Literature review Methodology Results Analysis/commentary
Assessment Criteria used by the University Clarity of purpose Use and critical understanding of theory Relevance & justification of the methodology Critical understanding & analysis Demonstration of study’s implications & limitations Conclusions & recommendations Quality of presentation
Final Thoughts One hard copy must be submitted Deadline for submission – maximum two years from registration Graded in the same way as your previous assignments including an AGC form The university’s Project Handbook (available on Blackboard) contains valuable information about all aspects of ”The Project” Sample projects are available on Blackboard
Specimen Title Page Management & the Avoidance Of Pain Student Number Name Carried out in conjunction with XYZ Marketing Services Ltd. Leicester Project submitted to the University of Leicester In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of Diploma in Management April 2008 Management & the Avoidance Of Pain Student Number Name Carried out in conjunction with XYZ Marketing Services Ltd. Leicester Project submitted to the University of Leicester In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of Diploma in Management April 2008