COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang1/ Introduction Lecture 01: Introduction COMP 175: Computer Graphics January 15, 2015
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang2/ Introduction People Instructor: Remco Chang Office: Halligan 221 Hours: ?? TA: Stefan Dimitrov edu Office: ?? Hours: ?? TA: Louis.Ades Office: ?? Hours: ?? TA: Sophia Panuthos Office: ?? Hours: ??
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang3/ Introduction Meeting Time: Tuesday, Thursday from 1:30-2:45 H+ Block Quick Poll: Laptops? Operating Systems? C++ proficiency? Linear Algebra? People who took 150VIZ? Gamers? Clarification!
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang4/ Introduction Prerequisites COMP 40 Machine Structure and Assembly-Language Programming Implies: COMP 15 (Data Structures) Implies: proficiency with C++ and memory management Linear Algebra Vector and Matrix math Clarification!
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang5/ Introduction Questions? Conflicts with schedule? Don’t have the prereqs? Schedule a time and come talk to me… Clarification
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang6/ Introduction 3D world map to 2D How to do it? What is Graphics?
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang7/ Introduction 3D world map to 2D How to do it? Geometry transform Per-pixel operation What is Graphics?
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang8/ Introduction Geometry View Complex scene Putting pixels on a 2D canvas Putting (pretty) pixels on a 2D canvas What is Graphics?
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang9/ Introduction 3D world map to 2D How to do it? Fixed pipeline Programmable pipeline Going from fix pipeline into programmable pipeline What is Graphics?
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang10/ Introduction Why expensive graphics cards? Why are they fast (at graphics)? Are they good at anything else? Example for parallelizable vs. serial-only algorithms Let’s try sorting… What Does your Graphics Card Do?
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang11/ Introduction Creativity, Creativity, Creativity We will teach you the tools, the rest is up to you! Example: what is the most popular PC game of all time? There are 3 ways to impress me: Do something cool in your (visual/graphics) design Do something cool in your (code) design Do something cool in your (optimization) design Spirit of this class
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang12/ Introduction Course website: Assignments Labs Syllabus Support Code Textbooks Grading Accommodation General Information
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang13/ Introduction Assignments (3% + 10% each): 1. Shapes13% 2. Camera13% 3. SceneView13% 4. Modeler13% 5. Ray Tracer13% Final Project15% Labs20% (2% each) Total100% Grading
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang14/ Introduction Paired Programming Work in a team of two We don’t recommend switching partners... Online Resources There are lots of resources online Use them for understanding, but again, you must turn in your own work! Teams and Outside Help
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang15/ Introduction 10 Labs total Should be doable within a couple of hours… If not, you have 1 week to complete it In Class Labs
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang16/ Introduction There are 5 Assignments You have 2 weeks to complete each one Except for the Spring Break week An algorithm sheet needs to be submitted after 1 week Take-Home Assignments
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang17/ Introduction Creating 3-dimensional objects using triangles Write code to break up common geometric shapes into triangles (tessellation) Rectangles, spheres, cylinders, and cones Data structure of points, lines, polygons, shapes Assignment 1: Shapes
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang18/ Introduction Write a (software) perspective camera Maintain transform matrices, from world to screen and inversely from screen to world Implement pan, zoom, rotate, etc. for the camera Become comfortable with matrix manipulation Assignment 2: Camera
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang19/ Introduction Maintain and render a hierarchical scene Uses the primitives created in Shapes, and the view transform from Camera Apply hierarchical transform of rotation, translation, and scaling to render a 3D scene Management of hierarchical data structure Assignment 3: SceneView
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang20/ Introduction Cast rays to intersect with a 3D scene Add user interactivity to move the objects using a mouse Output 3D scene files Become comfortable with going from 2D to 3D and 3D to 2D Assignment 4: Modeler / Intersect
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang21/ Introduction Using rays from Modeler, recursively bounce to rays to create a fully ray-traced 3D scene Implement Phong Shading Implement texture-mapping Highly parallel, recursive algorithm Assignment 5: Recursive Ray Tracer
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang22/ Introduction Demo during the final period Not suck Ideas can come from: Labs Assignments Something cool you saw on Youtube An idea for a game A research paper you read : Final Project
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang23/ Introduction Using Piazza Do NOT post code!! We’ll set this up later once the class roster stabilizes Using GLUT, GLUI Cross platform Linux / Unix Mac Windows Support code “cleanliness” and stability… Other Issues
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang24/ Introduction Assignments that are turned in late will receive a 0. Note: you are allowed 1 extension for the semester. With an extension, you will be granted an extra 3 days. Assignments will be submitted using “provide” Each team will be required to demo their assignment to me in person. Time and location of the demos -- ?? Late Policy
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang25/ Introduction Labs are checked one week later. You will demo this in class to myself or the TA There is no late policy for the labs. If you have an extraordinary circumstance, you must contact the instructor or the TA as soon as possible and obtain written approval. NO LATE POLICY for the Final Project!! Final Project Demo will be on the Final Exam date (see course website for detail) Late Policy
COMP 175 | COMPUTER GRAPHICS Remco Chang26/ Introduction Questions?