Early Warning Indicator Meetings Marissa Carter and Jennifer Wilmot, Philadelphia
Objectives Participants will have the tools and resources to begin work on mapping interventions and planning for strong tiered supports. Participants will begin work on their role as the facilitator of EWI team meetings. Participants will model an EWI meeting.
Teacher Teams and Small Learning Communities Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development Tiered Student Supports Can do Climate for Students and Staff
EWI Meetings An interdisciplinary teacher team meeting to create, coordinate, and monitor interventions for students who are exhibiting early warning indicators.
Key Responsibilities of the STF Work with school staff and TDS and DN team to create a plan for initial Tier I, II, and III supports. Work with school staff to identify the resources available (support creation of resource map). Support coordination of interventions, analysis of data, and reflection/planning for what can improve.
Key Responsibilities of STF Determine how the data system works Create meeting schedule Work with your TDS team as part of teaming professional development Meet your teacher teams
We know that a tiered intervention system approach supports… The students who behave and achieve in ways that are consistently and explicitly taught and reinforced. The students who need additional support.
Tiers I, II and III Tier I: Interventions designed for the whole school. These are designed to be large-scale and all-inclusive. Tier II: Interventions designed for a smaller group of students who are exhibiting some behavior (in any of the A,B,Cs) and have not been successful with Tier I. Tier III: Interventions designed for individuals or a few students who are exhibiting strong behaviors (in any of the A,B,Cs) and have not made progress from previous interventions.
Resource Mapping What do we need? What do we have available? – How do we access these supports? Who manages these supports (point person)? How do I help people implement efficiently and effectively without being their manager?
Tiered Intervention Activity There are 2 stations around the room. On your table, there are envelopes with strips of paper in them with prevention activities/ interventions on them. Your job is to select which indicator this is meant to address and under what tier this intervention belongs.
Resource Map Example
EWI Meetings Goal: To coordinate and create interventions for students who are exhibiting early warning indicators and to closely monitor their progress so that students are successful.
Before an EWI Meeting Ensure data tool is updated, including new and previous data for ABCs. Ensure that interventions from previous meetings are being documented. Share agenda with principal/assistant principal. Ensure that all materials are available (computer, projector, copies of student tracker, etc). Share the agenda with staff. Include names of students to be discussed. Remind staff members about the meeting and to bring their data binders, notes, etc.
EWI Meetings - Rubric Schedule Teams Meeting/facilitation structures and protocols Tiered interventions (e.g. PRIM, resource map) Student level data/tracking tools
Schedule and Meeting/ Facilitation Protocols Team meetings for Early Warning Interventions will occur with your team at minimum every other week. A specific, timed protocol will be used to discuss students to keep the meeting moving Each team should assign a recorder, a timekeeper, and a facilitator
EWI Video matics
During an EWI Meeting Ensure that conversations move toward productive decisions. Keep track of time, give time updates. Make connections with other initiatives/supports for students, monitor trends. Ensure that the following things are taking place: – Documentation of interventions agreed upon by team – Reporting out to the group – Follow-up on previous actions taken
Team Members Science Teacher Math Teacher SS Teacher City Year Corps Member Communities in Schools Counselor English Teacher STF Other Members include Principal Assistant Principal Special Education Teacher Elective/Intervention Teachers School Resource Officer Other School Support Staff for Climate & Culture Outside Providers/ Agencies
Team Meeting Roles Recorder: Fills out action plans/student trackers. Timekeeper: Ensures that timing for protocol is being followed. Reporter: Shares the overview of your group’s discussion with the larger meeting. Data Queen/King: Point person for data questions during team conversations.
Team Meeting Roles (cont’d) Everyone: Is prepared to discuss details about their students, is aware of the resources available, and is looking for solutions.
Agenda Overview of the meeting (5 min) – Students to be discussed, new pieces of data, reminders about paperwork Discussing student interventions (25 min) – Same process for each student, typically ~4-7 min per student Announcements (5 min) Sharing successes – 1 from each group (5 min)
Intervention Identification Protocol—3 steps Step 1: Identify Student (1 minute) Identifies which off-track behaviors the student is exhibiting Identifies data supporting identification for intervention (from EWI report)
Intervention Identification Protocol—3 steps Step 2: Team provides information (2 minutes) Team members succinctly (monitor your airtime) provide additional information about why off-track indicators may be present
Intervention Identification Protocol—3 steps Step 3: Team members discuss intervention options (3 minutes) Consult resource map Discuss who will champion follow up Determine date for follow-up conversation Determine communication with family
Tracking Interventions Is there a technology tool that most staff use? (Google docs, Access, District database, laptops, file cabinet, etc.) Determine how the school currently tracks in and out of classroom interventions (extra help, counseling sessions, tutoring, after school, etc.)
Practicing the During EWI Meeting Practice
Practice the During Break into two groups. Assign roles (timekeeper, recorder, etc.) within group and assume the team member identity given to you. Decide as a group which student to discuss. Complete the student tracker.
Student Data Student AttendanceBehavior (referrals) Course Performance Sept Sept09-10Math Sept. Math Q4 Math MSA ELA Sept ELA Q4 ELA MSA John 5 days 96%0768%BProf.77%AProf. Adrian093% 4, 1 Susp. 288%ABasic53%CBasic Samuel 0, 10 tard y 99%21482%BBasic55%D Below Basic Erica581%1156%C Below Basic 87%BProf.
After an EWI Meeting Ensure that documentation is complete Send out a quick “thank you” to staff for participating Follow-up with teachers/staff who were absent Follow-up with principal/assistant principal with any issues that arose from meeting
After EWI Meeting Make notes available to everyone ( , Google docs, etc.) Examine data and interventions for trends Get ready for the next meeting…